Sarcasm Is Not For Everyone
by Steve West on June 8, 2010

Today, my boss’ boss asked me for an update on our current IT project. I called that department and while musing why she didn’t just call them herself, got the requested update. It wasn’t good. A specific roadblock had not been overcome. When I gave her the bad news she looked at me and with an exasperated sigh asked me if they were still working on it. While thinking “What do you think we do here all day?” I actually said, “Yes, they told me they’d try to fit it in between rounds of their Texas hold ‘em tournament.” She looked at me to see if there could possibly be any truth to what I was saying and was picturing me, I'm sure, standing in the Unemployment Office. I took the opportunity to let her know that I would go and try to speed things along.
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Top Ten Top 10
Letterman has practically made a career out of his "Top 10" Lists. I'm shocked he doesn't have the copyright. He does, at least unofficially, as anyone who does anything similar immediately brings thoughts of him to mind. Go »
What's A Zug, Anyway?
John Hargrave is an internet comedian I admire greatly. I read his stuff and laugh long and loud. The "pranks" on his site are incredibly funny. Go »
Have I Mentioned How Much I Love My Wife?
I got a surprise visit from Amy Austin today. She was passing through Maryland on her way to Florida and took the time to call me from the road. I was thrilled that she thought of me being in the area and invited her to visit for what could only be a brief visit. Go »
Brenda's Diet Diary
Dear Diet Diary, As a Christmas present this year, my daughter, Lauren (what a thoughtful darling), bought me a week of personal training at the local health club. Although I am still in reasonable shape since being a high school cheerleader 40 years ago, I decided it would be a good idea to give it a try. I called the club and made my reservations with a personal trainer named Juan Antonio (ooh what a name) who identified himself as a 26-year-old aerobics instructor and model for athletic clothing and swim wear. Go »
Police Dogs
Recent conversation with Brenda: Brenda: How was your day? Me: It was going so well until I got chased by a police dog. Brenda: Oh, sweet lord, why was a police dog chasing you? Go »