Brenda and I just finished putting the girls to bed. We picked them up from Grandma's a little earlier because she was babysitting while Brenda and I celebrated our tenth anniversary. Just a brief opportunity to spend some time together on a school night. We went to a local restaurant that we've not been to for five years called Christopher's; a restaurant well respected for it's contemporary American cuisine. I had my dining fantasy fulfilled when I noted the grouper on the menu. Note to all Sarasota restaurants: All your grouper are belong to us! Specifically it was pistachio crusted grouper with granny smith apple risotto served with brown butter and pumpkin seed oil. My taste buds cried tears of joy and leaped out of my mouth and slapped me across the face for denying them this dish for so long. I understood and apologized. Typically, Brenda had the meal closest to meat and potatoes on the menu; that's just her way. Salads, bread, coffee, more coffee, a wonderful potato, bacon and leek pureed soup, and more coffee left no room for dessert. Which was a shame as they have warm blueberry cobbler with ginger ice cream on the menu. Or would I have chosen the Kahlua chocolate truffles with red wine carmel? Ah well, maybe in ten more years. A nice dinner for the exact date but we'll celebrate officially with a trip to theater in a few weeks. The Producers? All's Well That Ends Well? The Unsinkable Molly Brown? Theater in D.C. doesn't get much better outside of New York.

Three Replies to Ten Times Bliss

Scott Hardie | November 8, 2008
Sounds great! I haven't found grouper on a menu since you left.

Amy Austin | November 8, 2008
I think my taste buds just cried tears of envy... ;-( ;-)

Sounds delicious and delightful, and -- although the blueberry cobbler with ginger ice cream sounds worth a Monty Python's Meaning of Life moment -- the grouper dish sounded practically dessert-worthy itself!

Congratulations on ten years... you already have my best effort beat! ;-D

Lori Lancaster | November 8, 2008
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