Well yeah... I sewed a cape.. I am rather impressed with myself, though if you could see it up close you would see what a sloppy job I did. I didn't make a pattern and I didn't use those funky invisible stitches you are supposed to use. I sewed it all by hand. We just spent the whole weekend watching DVDs while I sewed. The sewing machine situation didn't seem like it was going to work out. Also I attached that bias tape around the black blazer.

My cheapie camera seems to be giving crummier pictures than it did before but it was such a trial getting it to work again at all that I am just going to post these crummy pics. It was windy out there so I can't really show the full back of the cape. And yes, our lawnmowing neighbor probably thinks we are pretty weird. We still have a special scarf we need to get for Darrin and then the costumes will all be complete.

Darrell is Number 6 and I am some random villager (since there are no recurring roles for women on the show). The cloak colors I picked are one of the most common orders of stripes used in the show. I kinda picked the cheapest fabric they had in the store, which also happened to be the only one that came in the required colors.

I asked our cameraman Darrin if the cape was straight and he said it was but it really isn't... In truth it is pretty symmetrical. It doesn't look quite as bad as one might imagine from these pictures. It's just that the seams are a bit sloppy.

Thanks again ladies for your advice. I know I didn't follow it that well (sorry... it is hard to overcome my laziness) but I still couldn't/wouldn't have done it without you.

I have a feeling I should track down and watch this episode of The Simpsons:

Four Replies to Sewing completed

Lori Lancaster | September 28, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Denise Sawicki | September 28, 2007
Thanks Lori :). By hand while sitting on my butt watching TV all weekend... Seemed more fun than using a sewing machine whilst doing nothing way out in the country :-) I don't know how to use a sewing machine anyhow. I did feel like I had carpal tunnel syndrome by the end though.

Jackie Mason | October 1, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | October 2, 2007
Very cool, Denise. :-)

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »


So I am rather pleased to have bought what seems to be a US Air Force greatcoat for $12.50 at a thrift store... Darrell wants to be Jack Harkness for the convention or for Halloween and I can't say I blame him. Go »

Late Halloween post

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Nostalgia from TV shows

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More news

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The Political Thing

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