I'm scared of girls.

Seven Replies to A girl wants to meet me

Jackie Mason | September 13, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | September 13, 2006
Whoa, site glitch. It looks like this post was attributed to Denise's blog instead of mine.

Denise Sawicki | September 13, 2006
It's a "woman" really, of course... just someone from a message board I visit.

Lori Lancaster | September 13, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Denise Sawicki | September 13, 2006
She's from the same town as me by the way if that's what Jackie is asking. Nope, no common friends. *I'm* probably one of those scary stalker chicks. I think the chances of running into someone more insane than I am are pretty low (though it happened before). Oh well. I'm just meeting someone for coffee. Chances are she'll find me boring and not want to talk again. Actually that's the outcome I tend to hope for because it's better than 99% of all other possible outcomes in my mind. Why do I bother trying, again???.... I think I enjoy the adrenaline rush of pondering all the possible consequences.

If I met myself, would I have a huge falling out and wind up hating myself? I think I might. Argh.

Jackie Mason | September 14, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | September 26, 2006
Okay... well, this is all assuming that Scott's post was actually a joke (yes, sometimes it's hard for me to tell...) -- Denise, you have a serious case of self-deprecation, girl!!!

So, I'm also assuming that you've met her by now... well... how did it go?!?!?

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

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