Darrell and I are thinking of going to this: http://www.valleycon.com/. We have never been to such an event before, and it is kind of expensive, but:

A. Londo is one of our favorite TV characters ever
B. It's not like we ever spend money on anything fun really
C. This person says "this is the only con I have been to where you can actually hang out with the guests and have a couple of drinks," which sounds promising
D. We actually have a figurine of Londo
E. It's something we should maybe experience once!
F. We might be able to look geeky enough by reusing our Prisoner outfits

Anyone have any words of wisdom on what to expect?

One Reply to Our first Con?

Scott Hardie | July 10, 2009
I definitely recommend it. Cons can be pricey, especially if you start buying any of the many products for sale, but they're a lot of fun too. Panels are good; trivia games are really good; people-watching with all those costumes is the best.

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