Well I requested some time off work until January 3rd... For the price of 4 vacation days I get 11 days off. We're going to go visit my husband's older brother in Wisconsin around New Years... Too bad I don't have any anxiety medication or anything because I might need to be heavily drugged up in order to face the pileup of work that's going to be there when I return, without screaming... Hehe, you know I'm messed up when I'm already pondering the end of vacation before it starts. I'm a glass-half-empty kind of person. Sigh. Seriously though, I should try to work in shorter vacations in the future because they're less stressful.

Three Replies to Vacation

Jackie Mason | December 30, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | December 31, 2006
I'm (finally) on vacation until the 8th or 9th (since the 8th is my birthday, I haven't decided on it yet), and -- not to be flip or callous, but -- thank you, Mr. Ford, for the extra day of leave that I won't have to spend. You were a good man.

Denise Sawicki | January 2, 2007
We didn't wind up going to Wisconsin. Long story. I went back to work a day early. Still a good long relaxing vacation!

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

Adventures with Free Desserts

Four recent adventures with free desserts: 1. We had not much to do on Saturday morning so, against our better judgement, we decided to go to the furniture store, who had sent us a coupon offering free breakfast and a free gift to "preferred customers". Breakfast turned out to be doughnuts. Go »

Being Rich

I've decided I wouldn't really want to be wealthy. OK, in many people's estimation I am probably wealthy already, but, what I really mean is I wouldn't want to live like a wealthy person. I wouldn't want a huge house on the lake with my own boat.. Go »

A girl wants to meet me

I'm scared of girls. Go »


Over the weekend we went to Mills Fleet Farm to pick up the specific present my dad wanted for his birthday. I doubt you have the Fleet Farm in the more "civilized" parts of the world but it is a bit like a Walmart with the addition of things like calf medicine, saddles, fence posts, and a huge amount of hardware, machinery, building supplies, etc. I mostly stick to the more Walmart-like areas of the store, except for that one time when I built a fence :). Go »

My weekend

Hmm well I hope this post is appearing in my blog, maybe I am a bit confused by the changes. I was worried we would have a bad weekend, because we had no DVDs from Netflix or the library, and our AC isn't working and it's been really hot. But finally the weekend was saved by the ultra quick arrival on Saturday of Sims 2 which I ordered Thursday... Go »

Why have I not checked this show out before?...

So I happened to find disk 1.1 of Queer as Folk (American version) at the library and it is rare to see disk 1.1 of anything so I checked it out. Go »