Well I requested some time off work until January 3rd... For the price of 4 vacation days I get 11 days off. We're going to go visit my husband's older brother in Wisconsin around New Years... Too bad I don't have any anxiety medication or anything because I might need to be heavily drugged up in order to face the pileup of work that's going to be there when I return, without screaming... Hehe, you know I'm messed up when I'm already pondering the end of vacation before it starts. I'm a glass-half-empty kind of person. Sigh. Seriously though, I should try to work in shorter vacations in the future because they're less stressful.

Three Replies to Vacation

Jackie Mason | December 30, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | December 31, 2006
I'm (finally) on vacation until the 8th or 9th (since the 8th is my birthday, I haven't decided on it yet), and -- not to be flip or callous, but -- thank you, Mr. Ford, for the extra day of leave that I won't have to spend. You were a good man.

Denise Sawicki | January 2, 2007
We didn't wind up going to Wisconsin. Long story. I went back to work a day early. Still a good long relaxing vacation!

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

Late Halloween post

Well now that my little goo is expired I can mention how our Halloween party went. I think it went OK. A few people knew who we were pretending to be. Go »


Darrell tells me that people actually care about *my* approval and they think I am rejecting them when in fact I am trying to keep away from them to protect them from my insanity. You guys are all awesome by the way... Wish I wasn't too insane to interact comfortably with anyone... Go »

Writing frightening verse to a buck-toothed girl in Luxembourg

The identity of my birthday RB card will be public soon enough, I'm sure, so I figured I'd write a little about it. I won't state its identity outright, in hopes that I can encourage anyone who's not familiar to click the link :P. First, I didn't know a "wimpy" band could wind up ranking quite so high. Go »

Cocoa spills and Larry David

In a freak accident, I managed to splatter my husband's entire mug of cocoa all across the kitchen this morning, 1 minute before I had to leave for work. I apologized a bunch of times and kept asking if I should call in and tell them I'm going to be late so I could clean it up... but he said he'd try to clean it up. Go »

Nostalgia from TV shows

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Back in Fargo

I have arrived home after a safe and uneventful flight. Thanks for the memories! It was fun. Go »