Best stuff I found this week.

Cowbell Hero - since I've mastered Guitar Hero.
Rock star mug shots.
My nominee for the role of Batman. "I said stop mothereffah!"
History of conquest - 5000 years in 90 seconds.
Turducken? Turducken! We don't need no steenkin' turducken!
High-speed photography.
Video of the week: Budlight commercial - Dude.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Christmas Post #20: Only In America? I Don't Think So.

The multitude of toys available around the world that make you want to say "WTF?" is overwhelming. Collection of toys that thankfully have no links for purchase. Go »

Stuff Happening

Brenda and I have placed a bid on a little house in Bowie about a mile from where we currently reside. It keeps the children in the same school district and keeps us in the little town we've grown to love. Closing is set for a month from now on Friday of Labor day weekend so it gives us three days to move furniture and settle in. Go »


Interesting lists and compilations. 50 funniest movie scenes ever. 50 greatest commmercial parodies. Go »

Cool Kleenex Dispensers

My daughter brings crafts home from school. I'm sending her teacher a picture of this Easter Island-ish tissue dispenser for their next craft project. Hey, they can learn about Easter Island and the Moai statues. Go »

You and Me, Albert

I just returned from an hour long wait at BestBuy to get a laptop we bought last week. I was there to retrieve it after the data transfer was completed by their Geek Squad. I stood in line watching four staff running around in circles helping one customer while me and six others in line watched stupefied. Go »

See You At The Pole

At the end of my college career, I walked on the campus of the University of Maryland for the thousandth time. Near the chapel, in front of an administrative building, stood flagpoles bearing the flag of the State of Maryland flying slightly lower than the flag of the United States. Annually, in September, students are encouraged to gather at the flagpole of their school and pray, an event called "See You At The Pole". Go »