Super secret award
by Kelly Lee on September 12, 2007

But who cares on this blog, cause no one I know in amtgard reads it.
This is my latest creation...took me all day, except for the worky parts. It will go to one of my friends, and she doesn't know about it yet. Its a pretty big deal, and its the highest award she can I w3as asked to hand make one.
I'm not completely finished, I have to ink the text, and erase all the pencil marks...but it's my latest work.
EDIT: Its 10:40 at night..and I don' t know if you guys know this, but, I try really hard not to be that girl who calls her boyfriend every night...but Scott already went to sleep, and I'm so used to talking to him right before I go to sleep, I miss him. So I'll just post on his page. And make myself look like "that girl."
One Reply to Super secret award
Return of the KellyMonster
Where Kelly Lee cross posts from her other blogs cause she feels the need to have everyone read her blog. Read more »

Help me please!
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All awards and no sleep make Kelly a dull girl.
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Jackie Mason | September 15, 2007
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