I have arrived home after a safe and uneventful flight. Thanks for the memories! It was fun. I am just kinda tired now because I have a cold and that plus flying is not good. My ears are all plugged up and I can't hear so well. I've got some zinc tablets so hopefully that will get better soon. Oh well I am going to go nap or something :)

Two Replies to Back in Fargo

Kelly Lee | October 17, 2010
It was great seeing you again! Also, yeah we both are tired and somewhat sickly as well when we got back into town, I prescribe naps to all goocon participants.

Steve West | October 17, 2010
Napdges! I don't need no steenkin' napdges! I just got a two hour one on the plane. I didn't get sick but I'm sorry you guys did. It was still great!

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

D&D first impressions

So our books came yesterday and I've been reading the Dungeon Master's guide as scheduled while Darrell's been reading the Player's Handbook. It's quite obvious I am going to have to read the Player's Handbook too since there is not so much actual useful information in the DM guide. It has lots of pages about different playing styles, how to handle different personalities in your group, and weird stuff like how to write cryptograms, but not so much useful data on the actual rules. Go »

A girl wants to meet me

I'm scared of girls. Go »

Sewing completed

Well yeah... I sewed a cape.. I am rather impressed with myself, though if you could see it up close you would see what a sloppy job I did. Go »

Our first Con?

Darrell and I are thinking of going to this: http://www.valleycon.com/. We have never been to such an event before, and it is kind of expensive, but: A. Londo is one of our favorite TV characters ever B. Go »

Found things, jerkishness, fuzziness

This morning I found my black pants that have been gone for nigh on a year. They weren't even anywhere weird. They were just on the floor in the closet. Go »

The Political Thing

The political thing I hinted at in my first blog entry is over for now. The signatures have been safely delivered to Bismarck. Anyway, here it is, the North Dakota Shared Parenting Initiative, at http://ndspi.org. Go »