Where's the Luxury?
by Steve West on October 20, 2019

I'm sitting in a luxury suite at FedEx Field watching the Wahington Redskins play haplessly against the San Francisco 49ers. (Redskins missed FG) There's more cheering happening for SF than Washington which is typical lately. Dee Fence! Dee Fence! (49ers & Redskins punt) We're sitting on the Redskins' side of the field with a good view of the field.
We're fortunate to be friends with a woman who has access to her company's suite and Brenda and I are going to two games this year. This is my first experience. (Another missed FG + 49ers & Redskins punt) I also got incredible parking right next to the gate for free. An elevator takes you five stories to the Upper Suite level manned by an actual elevator operator. I commented to her that she had a nice gig and I wanted her job. She smiled and offered to get me an application. (Punt, punt, puntitty punt)
Perks include free drinks including sodas (Pepsi), bottled water, beer (Corona Extra or Stella Artois) and mixed drinks (vodka only). Free food that included chips with salsa or guacamole (pretty good), chicken tenders (a little over-cooked), mac 'n cheese, and hot dogs (cold). Not so perky were the leaks that came with the steady rain. They didn't shower onto your head but ran down two of the windows in a stream that obscured the view from two of the five windows offering views of the field. Good views were still available for all.
Halftime score - Redskins 0, San Francisco 0.
I'm going to get a souvenir jersey. Jurgenson or Kilmer? To be continued...
Turns out I got neither. For the price of a used Volkswagen, I got the shirt that was poetically apropos. We're friends with the ticket lady because of a working relationship with Brenda's father, Norman. The gift shop had a few jerseys remaining of cornerback Josh Norman with his last name capitalized on the back. He's not my favorite Redskin by a long shot but it just felt right as a tribute to Norm. A la our Draft Dodger in Chief, I refuse to disclose how much I paid for the jersey but in Roman numerals it was more than C but less than D.
To sum up the game, the final two quarters were Redskins punt, punt, punt, punt and punt and the 49ers FG, FG, FG, sack of Redskins QB to end game. Not a good game by any means but my nephew Phil and his two adult boys were with us and it afforded us a time of laughter and love. Next up are the Giants in late December with my brother, Dave. It should be equally bad (game) and good (fellowship).
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Scott Hardie | October 22, 2019
Sounds like an alright experience to have had despite the lousy game itself.
I have only been in a luxury box once, for the Tampa Bay Rays, who were the Devil Rays back then before their no-brainer name change. (Ahem, Redskins?) My company was given a package of tickets and access to the booth for the game, but they gave out 15 tickets to a booth that only had 9 seats that could see the game, and nowhere else to sit. A few people didn't show up, but 9 of them did before us. So those people got to actually see the game, while Kelly and I were trapped back by the food area, listening to the crowd but unable to see what was happening, and unable to sit down. We left after four innings, and my coworkers didn't understand why. I don't regret going, since I got to see how nice the luxury booths can be (the food was excellent, and the staff treats you like a VIP), but if I ever get the opportunity to go again, I'm going to ask about the people-to-chair ratio before I commit.