Best stuff I found this week.

Merv's sense of humor lasted 'til the end.
New Bond stamps.
Creepy magazine ads.
These college classes lead to what degree exactly?
From the files of the ridiculously overindulgent: $50,000 bed.
Redneck perhaps, but a few of these mailboxes are quite creative.
Most of these are commercial monuments to size.
Video of the week: Bush coins.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Never Volunteer, Dummy

Ever since seeing Anthony Hopkins in Magic, ventriloquists and their evil dummies have given me the creeps. This guy does as well but I laughed nonetheless. I think I could sit through his entire act but could never get past the queasiness and actually volunteer like this guy did. Go »

If I Were To Make A Children's Show... would be similar to this promo for The Crime Channel featuring Gali the Alligator. The lyrics are a little hard to understand so I've attempted to transcribe them here. Go »

When Fabio Meets Scatological Humor

Mark Longmire hosts an eclectic website. My favorite section is where he re-titles romance novels and photoshops the new title on the cover. Hilarity ensues. Go »

Blue is the Hue

We (Brenda, Lauren and me) just returned from the Kennedy Center where we saw the Blue Man Group. This was Lauren's birthday gift - her birthday was in May and that's when we ordered tickets, but the show wasn't until today. It was worth every cent, and I envy Scott who lives semi-close to their permanent theater in Orlando. Go »

What'd I Step In?

Things stuck to the bottom of my internet shoe. Things not to do while wearing briefs made of beef jerky. (Besides wearing briefs made of beef jerky) Venezuelans believe children should not watch The Simpsons, offer more wholesome fare instead. Go »

Such As It Is...

Best stuff I found this week. Cowbell Hero - since I've mastered Guitar Hero. Rock star mug shots. Go »