I always wanted to use that phrase.

Crazy ticketers in England.
Which anniversary is it appropriate to celebrate at this restaurant?
Bridges from around the world.
The last line of this article of a can of gravy assault made me laugh out loud.
A bedtime story Cheech Marin would love.
Hollywood Trash. If it ain't stars - it's just trash.
Speaking of Hollywood - really cool movie cars.
Weed through the titles of these children's books (some are incredibly cruel) to find a few genuinely funny ones.
Stand-up of the week: Demetri Martin

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Is This A Country Song Or What?

Playing a country song backwards, as the old joke goes, and your wife comes back, your dog is alive again, and your trucks rolls over onto its wheels. The Mickster has got it bad in Oscar week as his beloved chihuahua died in his arms. Not to make fun of what must have been a horrible event, but did he really need to display his mourning by attending a New York fashion show the very next day? Go »

Things Remembered

When I was in kindergarten, a girl brought a doll to class. It was so pretty that even the boys liked it. Everyone played with it but I was the one who broke it. Go »

New Talent On 60 Minutes

Funny clip of various characters who have said, "I am ...," taken from a film or TV segment and then added to the opening of 60 Minutes. (link) Go »

Get 'Em While They're Hot

Good stuff. Video of the week 1: Cactus gameshow. We have the technology. Go »

Dear Miriam...

Oh, thank you Miriam, that's great advice. BTW this letter is indeed a spoof of the "Dear Miriam" column in The Daily Mirror that appeared in the satirical publication Viz. Pretty damn funny, though. Go »

Just In Time For Voting

Although I'm partial to the Aaron v. Steve Dunn tête-à-têtes, it seems ironic that UOAS took the opportunity to push for a vote. Despicable. Go »