Flotsam & Jetsam
by Steve West on March 31, 2008

I always wanted to use that phrase.
Crazy ticketers in England.
Which anniversary is it appropriate to celebrate at this restaurant?
Bridges from around the world.
The last line of this article of a can of gravy assault made me laugh out loud.
A bedtime story Cheech Marin would love.
Hollywood Trash. If it ain't stars - it's just trash.
Speaking of Hollywood - really cool movie cars.
Weed through the titles of these children's books (some are incredibly cruel) to find a few genuinely funny ones.
Stand-up of the week: Demetri Martin
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

My Second Dad
Earlier this week, I lost my father-in-law to lung cancer. He was a beautiful man who welcomed me into his family after marrying his oldest daughter. Family isn’t always blood. Go »
Japanese Terebi Game Shows
I'm convinced that Japanese game show producers are violently insane. Here's a sampling of what I mean. Go »
A Story Without Words
I can't imagine being disfigured as an adult. I've read articles and seen pictorials of veterans wounded in the war and losing a limb or being disfigured by fire. And then those soldiers coming home to their fiancées to be married. Go »
(Insert Movie Title)...in 30 seconds Re-Enacted By Bunnies
Not a new site at all but one I hope everyone will enjoy if you haven't already. If you've seen it before, hope you'll find something new. Very clever re-enactments if only for the editorial difficulty in condensing a film down to 30 seconds. Go »
Some Anniversaries Are More Memorable Than Others
Today is the ninth anniversary of my wedding to my child bride, Brenda. So far so good. Had to call and schedule the plumber because there is water leaking from behind the wall in the bathroom. Go »