Recent conversation with Brenda.

Brenda: What are you grilling for dinner?

me: Wookie steak.

Brenda: I've never had that. Is it any good?

me: It's a little Chewy.

Brenda: (5 seconds later) That is the worst joke ever.

me: (mentally pumping fist)

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Christmas Post #16: A Hillbilly Christmas

My father was born and raised in North Carolina. Throughout my childhood we would make the summer trek to my Granny and Grandpaw's house in the middle of the state. Many a summer night passed listening to roosters (they crow all friggin' night), the occasional gator grunt, and my hillbilly cousins fart and scratch while playing cards. Go »

Japanese Terebi Game Shows 2

Sometimes clever but usually hilarious clips from one particularly wacky game show. Human Tetris I; Human Tetris II; Human Tetris III. Go »

Toilets R Us

I got a thing for cool looking toilets. What can I say? I'd like most of these to be in Barbie's Dream House except for that face-to-face absurdity. Go »

The Day In Pictures

The Seattle Post Intelligencer recently has introduced a new feature to their webpage called Go »

I'll Have the Seven Deadly Sins Combo

Funny chart that shows the resultant interactions of each of the seven deadly sins. Go »

New Talent On 60 Minutes

Funny clip of various characters who have said, "I am ...," taken from a film or TV segment and then added to the opening of 60 Minutes. (link) Go »