I haven't passed out drunk since my brother's bachelor party 25 years ago. Thankfully nobody cared enough to torture me like these guys. I experience schadenfreude seeing photos of this nature but still laugh my silly ass off.

Four Replies to Pass Out Drunk And Still Be The Life Of The Party

Amy Austin | September 22, 2007
*wiping tears away*
I figured I'd seen plenty of these types of pics already (there were one or two in there I recognized), but I don't think it would have mattered if I'd seen *all* of them before... I simply could not chuckle quietly to myself. And once you're on a roll, there's no turning back. (I'm pretty sure that's what the folks who did those makeovers said, too!)

Steve West | September 22, 2007
That's pretty much how it works for me. The cumulative effect of one picture to another has me crying and laughing by the last picture.

Aaron Shurtleff | September 22, 2007
I was so happy not to see myself in there! Hopefully, since my stupidity happened in the ages before digital cameras (if you can remember that far back), it'll never see the light of day.

Not that it's anything compared to those! Hilarious!!

Amy Austin | September 24, 2007
Those full-on marker makeovers give a whole new meaning to "blackface"... *so* brutal, and yet so frickin' hilarious -- it's the gift that keeps on giving, so to speak. (Because can you just *imagine* how many days it took to get rid of all that?!?!? I'm thinking that Monday thru Wednesday were sick days, at the very least!) At least the med students -- those who would seem to find the excellent penis diagram prank the most amusing -- reserved that for a place that could be easily hidden... even if not so easily scrubbed!

Anybody else here have a look at Ross's Roman Candle??? Not something I might ordinarily laugh out loud at, but when it follows the right set of pictures...

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