Top Ten Top 10
by Steve West on December 11, 2007

Letterman has practically made a career out of his "Top 10" Lists. I'm shocked he doesn't have the copyright. He does, at least unofficially, as anyone who does anything similar immediately brings thoughts of him to mind. Homer's is pretty good but Hillary's delivery almost made me fall asleep just like the first time I saw it.
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Collection of Weird & Wonderful Links
Stuff I ran across while randomly surfing. Hilarious protest signs (most involving misspellings). First rule of Nacho Fight Club - Feel free to talk about Nacho Fight Club. Go »
Which Underwear?
Recent conversation with Brenda: Me: A friend of mine lost his wife a few years ago. He's not that old and dreaded entering the dating scene again but he was growing a little lonely. Brenda: Good for him - fingers crossed. Go »
49 Out of 50 is Pretty Compelling
Forty-nine out of fifty states currently have snow on the ground from recent snowfalls. Guess which state is the only one without snow. That's right, Brenda. Go »
Shaken And Stirred Too For Good Measure
Semi-bizarre gallery devoted to people shaking their faces, having any loose skin flop around, and photographing the results. Go »
Guns are Not Really a Laughing Matter
Recent conversation with Brenda. Brenda: What would be the hardest thing for you to give up for Lent? Me: Shooting guns. Go »