Richard was inducted to the Hall of Fame in February 2025.

Good things come to those who wait: Even for a game that requires semi-daily play sustained over weeks or months in order to win, Celebrity Goo Game can demand a high degree of patience. If at first, or at second, or at third you don't succeed, you keep on trying, until sooner or later you triumph and win the competition. Excellent players sometimes wait years to win. And this has been especially true of perhaps the game's most patient player, Richard Slominsky, who has been playing at a consistently high level since joining the game 17 years ago, and gradually became one of the game's most accomplished players ever, but for whom a single victory remained elusive until now. The objective of the game may be to win any given round, but if there's anyone whose playing career proves that you can achieve greatness long before you tick that particular box, Richard has more than done so.

First introduced to Celebrity Goo Game in April 2008 by his work colleague Justin Woods, Richard took to the game quickly, solving goo after goo at a steady clip and rarely taking a substantial break from the game. In August 2011, he joined the informal "1000 goos club" recognized by quite a few players as a mark of greatness. In November 2015, his lifetime score of most goos solved became one of the top ten among all players in game history, and he hasn't dropped out of the top ten since. In March 2022, his lifetime score surpassed that of Justin, allowing him to eclipse the quite accomplished player who had brought him into the game. Finally, when a goo from New Years Eve of 2024 expired one week into January 2025, Richard was declared the winner of the December 2024 round of the game, the 119th round overall and the 86th since he joined the game, and at long last, his first victory. The statistical anomaly that one of the game's longtime best players had yet to win the game was at last resolved.

And Richard really has been one of the game's best. He has the sixth highest lifetime score of any player. His longest streak of consecutive solves was 60 in a row, surpassed by few others. He has consistently solved two out of every three goos, the sixth highest solve rate among all players in the history of the game. He has also participated in Funeratic's other competitions including Predict the Oscars, Rock Block, and Pirate Paradise. When he has joined conversations in Tragic Comedy, nearly all of his 32 comments have been supportive of other players, congratulating them on a game achievement or just wishing them a happy birthday, rather than talking about himself. Richard has been such a loyal, consistent, and positive participant on the website that Scott considered altering the game-winning prerequisite of this Hall of Fame to induct him earlier, since years had passed since he deserved to be recognized for his achievements, but Scott didn't want anyone to imagine an asterisk next to Richard's induction as if the rules had been changed just for him. (Although Richard's first victory did come after a scoring tweak in summer 2024, that change was made to break the game out of a repetitious pattern, not for the benefit of Richard or anyone else.) Praise is long overdue for Richard Slominsky, whose tireless dedication to Celebrity Goo Game and his excellence at solving goos have been instrumental in his racking up one of the game's highest scores and highest solve rates ever. He is a player like few others.

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