Hog Wild
The goo game becomes a pig sty this week, as these five celebrities known for their porcine names line up to be counted. This little piggy went to Hollywood...
Frank Borman
publication date: Friday, July 1, 2011
category: Science
clue: igspay... in... acespay
explanation: Borman was an astronaut in the Gemini and Apollo missions, and commander of the first spaceflight to circle the Moon. The clue played on the recurring "Pigs in Space" skit on The Muppet Show. more…
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Chris Lemler, Justin Woods, and Mike Rothstein
trivia: Scott originally created a Television goo to end the week, but changed it to Borman at the last minute because the phonetic match to "boar" was closer to the theme. He saved the unused goo for the tournament at the end of the Summer 2011 season.
Francis Bacon
publication date: Thursday, June 30, 2011
category: Philosophy
clue: ethodicalmay ientistscay
explanation: Bacon's teachings led to the scientific method as we know it today. more…
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, Justin Woods, Joanna Woods, Mike Rothstein, Scott Horowitz, and Laurie Laczkowski
trivia: Several players guessed Roger Bacon. Scott did not anticipate confusion over the two, and regretted not writing a clue that more clearly referred to Francis. The same source image could be found online, mislabeled as Roger.
Dustin Swinehart
publication date: Wednesday, June 29, 2011
category: Sports
clue: arlottechay oalgay eaderlay
explanation: Recently retired Swinehart was the goal leader (highest-scoring player) for the Charlotte Eagles professional soccer team. more…
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, Justin Woods, Denise Sawicki, Joanna Woods, Mike Rothstein, Steve Dunn, and Laurie Laczkowski
Kevin Bacon
publication date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011
category: Movies
clue: arstay of ootloosefay and emorstray
explanation: Bacon was the star of Footloose and Tremors. more…
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, Justin Woods, Denise Sawicki, Matthew Preston, Joanna Woods, Mike Rothstein, Steve Dunn, Scott Horowitz, and Laurie Laczkowski
Jon Hamm
publication date: Monday, June 27, 2011
category: Television
clue: ainmay admanmay
explanation: "main madman" - Hamm was the lead actor in Mad Men. more…
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, Justin Woods, Denise Sawicki, Matthew Preston, Joanna Woods, Mike Rothstein, Steve Dunn, Scott Horowitz, and Laurie Laczkowski
player landmarks: This was the first goo solved by Laurie Laczkowski.
trivia: All of the goos in the "Hog Wild" theme were written in Pig Latin.
Other Themes in Summer 2011

Mystery Men
Anonymity is rare in modern life, but these five "celebrities" managed to become famous without their identities being discovered until later, if at all. Can you name these nameless ones? Go »
City Girls
These five women all share their first names with modern metropolises from around the world. Get your passport ready for a miniature Goo World Tour. Go »
Children of the Eighties
The 1980s were a booming time for child stars in television and movies, as Hollywood focused on family entertainment. Can you name these five actors who became famous playing kids in that decade? Go »
Born on the 4th of July
These five famous Americans, representing five corners of the nation, all share the most patriotic of birthdays, and give the goo game some added fireworks this week. Go »
Get a Clue
Was it Colonel Mustard in the conservatory with the candlestick? You'll need the right evidence to accuse these five stars of sharing their names with characters from the classic board game Clue. Go »
Tennis Club
Grab your racquet and hit the court! The more you know the sport of tennis, the better you'll be able to name these five major players. Lob your guesses over the net, and good luck. Go »
Once upon a midnight dreary, after you ponder weak and weary, the answers to these five goos inspired by the most famous works of Edgar Allan Poe will be revealed. 'Tis that the answer, tapping at your chamber door? Go »
Five Guys
Unrelated to the founders of the Five Guys burger franchise, these other five "guys" all have the most generic of masculine names. If you can recognize all five, treat yourself to a cheeseburger. Go »
South of the Border
¡Arriba! The final theme of the summer heads down to Mexico for five celebrities who hail from our neighbor to the south. ¡Buena suerte! Go »
Summer 2011 Tournament
There can be only one! Many players have entered the tournament, but they'll be paired off in brackets until only one remains in the end to win the season. These goos are a little harder than usual, but they're still playable by all. Go »