These goos are from the Philosophy category, people famous for their contributions to ancient or modern philosophy. Browse another way.

Aldo Leopold

He stressed an ecologic ethic and the importance of predators in the balance of nature. Go »


From Plato to Alexander, few have deduced the physical and metaphysical elements of life as well. Go »


Players who score five goos in row earn ire of others. Go »

David Hume

This Scottish philosopher believed that our idea of self derived entirely from our lived experience, for example the experience of your partner being killed by rogue androids and your captain assigning you an advanced android as your new partner. Go »

Francis Bacon

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Friedrich Nietzsche

His favorite comic book is Action Comics. Go »

Friedrich Nietzsche

This German philosopher don't want you to look into gorge because the gorge will look into you. Go »


Her contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and Western thought are not as famous as her murder by a mob of Christian zealots. Go »

Jeremy Bentham

Did he believe that looking at his own taxidermied body would bring people the greatest happiness? Go »

John Locke

This English philosopher is known for developing the theory of empiricism and connecting consciousness to the notion of self, not for getting lost on a mysterious tropical island with his wheelchair after a plane crash. Go »

John McTaggart

What if the fourth dimension doesn't even exist? Unreal. Go »

Karl Marx

Your need to guess this goo correctly is diametrically opposed to my need to stump you with it, but at least I'm not paying you. Go »

Mikhail Bakunin

This Russian anarchist lost his membership in a labor association when Karl Marx accused him of forging secret alliances, but at least he didn't lose an eye. Go »

Niccolò Machiavelli

Politics were never princely again after this writer-philosopher blew the livy off the Italian Renaissance. Go »

Peter Unger

His philosophy is that an idea without substance is relative to ignorance. Go »


It's not as popular as E = mc², but this ancient philospher's calculation that a² + b² = c² continues to be a cornerstone of children's first geometry classes. Go »

René Descartes

I have been gooed, therefore I am. Go »

Roger Bacon

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Rosa Luxemburg

When she was about to be executed, I'd like to believe that everyone in the crowd yelled "I am Rosa!" one after another. As a revolutionary and a philosopher, she was Marx and Lenin, all in one. Ironically, she was NOT neutral. Go »

Ryan Holiday

This former marketing exec has become a best-selling author of books on modern-day stoicism. Go »


This Greek philosopher is remembered for teaching Plato, employing a method of endless questions, drinking hemlock poison after a death sentence, and helping Wyld Stallyns with their history report. Go »

Søren Kierkegaard

Incorrect guesses for this goo can only be understood backwards, but they must be submitted forwards. Go »


This ancient Greek is considered the first person to predict an eclipse, ending a war of five years when the eclipse motivated the soldiers to lay down their arms. Go »

Thomas Aquinas

This Catholic saint graduated summa theologica in his class at Aristotelian University. Go »

Timothy Leary

To Dass, he was a colleague. To Nixon, he was a criminal. To Lennon, he was a friend. Go »


He disapproves of this goo, but he would defend to the death your right to guess it. Go »

William of Ockham

The simplest guess is probably the correct one. Go »