Beauty and the Beast

Evie Totty: “It ruled.”
Took my granddaughter to see this. We had a lot of fun. Some bigots got their panties in a bunch because there were gay characters in it but oh well.
It was a lot like the animation - but a few things changed but not much.
When Dan Stevens was back to normal at the end - his joy/happiness/whatever seemed forced. But otherwise it was a great film.
As we were leaving the theater we were walking with an older couple. They said they'd seen many versions of this story on stage and film and when asked which they liked the best - they answered that it was this one.
− December 30, 2017 more by Evie log in or create an account to reply
Scott Hardie: That's a nice anecdote about the couple. And I'm sure the movie is fine. But if Disney is going to so precisely recreate the animated version -- why bother? Why does this movie exist? Why do people buy tickets to it? Why not just re-release the original to avoid the production expense? Why not just watch the original on disc to avoid buying tickets? I'm missing something. I'm reminded of the shot-for-shot remake of Psycho that proved that what makes a film special cannot be recreated by mechanically reduplicating it. − January 1, 2018 more by Scott
Evie Totty: Good questions. I went to see it so I could go to a movie in the theater with my granddaughter. There were differences to the animation - but I haven't seen that one in a very long time so I can't say what they were. I also loved the other live action remakes (like Cinderella)... − January 1, 2018 more by Evie
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