Matthew Preston | March 29, 2013
Anyone in Pirate Paradise interested in a 1 Million gold coin challenge? Steve West, I'm looking at you... I'll bring handicap .

Seriously though, no handicap. Just a straight up fair battle for a shit-ton of gold.

Scott Hardie | March 29, 2013
The game was built with a wager limit of 100,000 gold coins per battle, unannounced until now. The goal was to avoid a scenario of someone getting too rich too quickly, as it would only take a few victories with seven-figure wagers to win the entire game.

I think we could strike a compromise that would satisfy high-wager fans while still avoiding that kind of scenario. It could be something like one high-wager battle per month or similar timeframe, maybe with a maximum wager of 1,000,000 gold coins. What do you all think?

Personally, I trust players who like big bets, as they cannot lie.

Matthew Preston | March 29, 2013
100,000 makes sense for normal play. My vote is for 1/month high wager of 1,000,000.

Steve West | March 30, 2013
I'll go with that. 1,000,000 gold. Once. Period. Maybe. (Waffler). Seriously, I'm in line with Matt.

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