Lori Lancaster | April 22, 2005
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John E Gunter | April 22, 2005
[quote]This is why I have kids. I can do this kind of stuff without looking like I am being too crazy hehhh[/quote]

To chicken to admit you want your own? :-D

I'm not to sure I'll be collecting to much from this movie, all depends on how much I like the toys or for that matter, models that come from it.

I did Beta test the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG, but when it came time to actually start paying to play, I found a better game. Though a few other games have gotten my interest, Matrix Online and World Of Warcraft in particular, I just don't have the time or funds to be pissed away on them.

Even the game I'm in right now, City of Heroes, I don't have really enough time for.

Course, most of my collectables sit on shelves or in boxes. Some even set on shelves in boxes! LOL

I thought about going opening night, but I'm not sure. I know a couple of guys here at work are taking the day off. Not that it's a bad thing, I went to see the very first showing of Empire, in Orlando, a 90 mile trip, just to see it on a 70mm format instead of the 35mm that most theaters show. It was a fun time, but the print was of poor quality for a 70mm print. During the dark scenes, looked like a very mild snow storm was going on.

Also, I'm not taking the day off.


Lori Lancaster | April 22, 2005
[hidden by request]

John E Gunter | April 22, 2005
Muhahaha, err um, I'm sure I don't know what you mean!

In a commanding voiceThese aren't the Star Wars figures you're looking for, move along.

Seriously though, I don't like it when adults do that to the kids, but I'm not beyond collecting figures myself. Usually just one of each for me thanks. I used to do multiple comics, but that got too expensive, so I only do singletons of all the things I collect.

So no Sailor downstairs? That's ok, we got a nice curio cabinet a while back and for the longest time, it had nothing in it. So I asked if I could put my figures inside. My wife said sure, that lasted about 6 months, then she started getting figurines from my mom and as presents. Guess where my figures went!

But, when we do the new house, I'll have my own place for my figures, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha! :-D


Lori Lancaster | April 22, 2005
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | April 23, 2005
I have boxes within boxes containing... (sheepish downward glance)... my Barbie collection. (DON'T fuckin' laugh!!!) I've always wanted to build something nice to display them in, but... they're still all boxed up, gathering mildew, no doubt. I've gone back and forth in my head a few times over the years about whether to part with them or not. But my Meemaw bought most of them for me in the 70s & 80s, and -- truth be told -- it breaks my heart to think of parting with them for mostly this reason.

Most of the collection is from my childhood, but there are also quite a few newer ones in boxes that I've bought over the years (including Star Trek Barbie & Ken). The ones from childhood -- although quite pristine in condition (I was a little bit neurotic and didn't really *play* with them) -- don't have their boxes, sadly. Had I known or cared anything about retaining their "collectible" value back then, I'd have kept all those boxes, damn it. I stopped buying new ones in 1996, after my house was burglarized and my specially and painfully store-combed, hand-selected Holiday Barbie that was "all the rage" that year was taken. She was actually recovered by the police... but totally violated. No box, no hat, no shoes, and... (worst of all) JBF hair. I was so sick about it that I haven't wanted to buy another one ever since. Paid over $40 for her at Christmas-time (a lot of money for me at that time!), and by January, her value had already jumped to $100. Even now, as I write this, I know that I'm not completely "over it"... ;-P

Anna Gregoline | April 23, 2005
What's JBF hair?

E. M. | April 23, 2005
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | April 23, 2005
Ah. Charming.

E. M. | April 24, 2005
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | April 24, 2005
I wish I hadn't.

Kris Weberg | April 25, 2005
How is that different than standard "bed-head?"

Amy Austin | April 26, 2005
On people... or on Barbies? ;-)

Lori Lancaster | April 26, 2005
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | April 26, 2005
Thanks for the thought, Lori... But if I been able to afford the renter's insurance at that time, I would have -- it isn't like there was much of value to insure, either -- the things I lost were mostly of sentimental, not so much monetary, value. The worst was my grandmother's engagement set from 1944-45?

We had renters' insurance while we were in WA, and because we stupidly let it lapse right before our move, I couldn't get anything for the loss of some sewing patterns that were out in the garage and got water damaged. We need to get back on a plan here again.

A nice thought about passing her on, too. However, I was just too disgusted to be able to keep her. Her hair had been the most exquisite I found in the stores -- that's why I picked her. I'm not sure if anyone other than another Barbie collector could understand this... and I'm highly neurotic about such details to begin with, but even as I've considered replacing her with ones I see here and there in flea markets/antique malls and such, I just don't "feel it" -- you know? The one that was destroyed was the one with the beam of light and the chorus of angels, not any that I've seen since. I gave her to my friend (and roommate at the time), another collector -- she said she'd take her for me. I've tried hard not to look upon her ever since. ;-P

John E Gunter | April 26, 2005
Actually, if you are a serious collector, you can understand finding just the right collectable. At least I understand where you're coming from. When I'm looking for a particular item, I look all over the package and if I can see the contents, I look at the contents also. I was going to say, you won't believe how quickly I'll put back a package with a minor blemish on it, but I bet you would.

As far as insurance is concerned, most home owner's insurance will have some protection for collections, if your agent wrote the policy correctly, it just might not be enough to cover everything. At least my agent made sure that my collections were covered at the time he wrote our policy. It probably isn't completely current anymore, but beyond total loss of the house, I'm sure I'm covered enough to replace what I'd really want replaced.

But it's good to get renters insurance if you're not buying a home.


Lori Lancaster | April 26, 2005
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | April 26, 2005
Yes, expenisive is another reason I've stopped. I've found too many other ways to rip through large sums -- just ask Ed. (No, but don't...) And I thoroughly understand about apartments, Lori -- that house we were broken into was the first I've rented in (and obviously, it was in a shady area -- and TINY -- so as to be more affordable!). Gradually, I've moved on up, but I still haven't had the display space to spare. I know of other collectors who devote an entire bedroom to their toys... this I'd like to do -- but it seems like a crazy waste of space to me right now, because I just have too much stuff! Maybe one day, when I have enough room for all my other "junk" and/or change my pack-rat ways (Never!)... until then, boxes it is.

And good point about having to choose, too, since I'd rather take the item than the box-to-go, too... but I just *hate* how that drops the value! I probably wouldn't care, either, if I collected as you do -- except then I'd think that all the Japanese and such on the box was ultra-cool, and I'd hate to part with that! In fact, I do have one Barbie that I bought expressly for the purpose of all the foreign languages on her packaging -- not something you usually see here in the States -- I was just sure that this must have been some kind of shipping mistake/discount! I also had a friend buy me one in Germany for this reason... but she isn't as intriguing as I'd have liked (he was on a budget). I can't believe I didn't look for them anywhere I went, except Singapore! But then again, I don't recall any Wal-Marts near Pattaya Beach, Thailand. Korea, yes -- that was fun, shopping in a foreign Wal-Mart! Everything there says "Made in USA" -- can you believe it??? (Of course, I kid. It's all still Korean or Chinese. Lazy fucking Americans! ;-D)

Anyway... that service sounds like a pretty cool idea, too -- but what happens when you add to it? (Since you said that it's priced by square footage, it sounds like this is something you do one time with an entire collection! I think a far better idea is to keep three-ring binders with plastic sleeves containing individualized photos of your stuff... that should be easy enough to create/manage/maintain on your own, don't you think?)

Jackie Mason | April 27, 2005
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