Anna Gregoline | September 2, 2004
What do you consider to be your duties as an American citizen?

Erik Bates | September 2, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | September 2, 2004
As well as people who say "Dissent is UNpatriotic."

Anthony Lewis | September 2, 2004
To work, pay taxes and be an upstanding, law-abiding citizen.

Robert Phillips | September 2, 2004
Good enough Anthony...

Scott Hardie | September 3, 2004
The only "duties" of a citizen, to be literal, are what Anthony said, pay the tax and obey the law. But I like to think that my additional responsibility is to preserve and use wisely our nation's power on the world stage, by staying engaged in current affairs and electing leaders who, whenever possible, will seek to enrich our country without bringing harm to others.

Kris Weberg | September 3, 2004
To be involved, along as many axes as possible, ranging from the discursive to the political to the intellectual to the civic.

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