Anna's Wedding
Erik Bates | October 9, 2005
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Jackie Mason | October 10, 2005
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Erik Bates | October 10, 2005
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Lori Lancaster | October 10, 2005
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Jackie Mason | October 10, 2005
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Erik Bates | October 10, 2005
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Dave Stoppenhagen | October 10, 2005
Pass on my congrats please. Looked like a hell of a good time and she looked great.
Kris Weberg | October 12, 2005
It's the shorter hair and the total inebriation that make me so unrecognizeable, I think.
In fairness, there were about 30 noncontiguous hours in which I wasn't thoroughly blotto, but they're much less funny.
Jackie Mason | October 12, 2005
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Kris Weberg | October 12, 2005
"There's a man going around town
Spreading lies
He's the bad businessman
Does his business while he can
He just does his business bad."
Scott Hardie | October 15, 2005
It should be mentioned that Kris wasn't actually mad or even very inebriated during that video clip; he was just joking around. He had taken a lot of drinks that day, however. :-)
I didn't realize it at the time, but apparently I wasn't supposed to be there when I took the photo of the four of them seated and holding bouquets. The lobby was getting crowded, so like a number of guests, I just wandered around the building. I happened into the open room where they were getting their official photos taken, and the photographer was preoccupied for a moment, so I asked if they wouldn't mind posing for a shot of my own. Everything seemed fine until I overheard a comment that "it's getting crowded in here" and found the curtain closed behind me when I left. I didn't even know I was unwelcome in the room, let alone mean to barge in like that. Now I feel lousy whenever I see that photo.
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Scott Hardie | October 9, 2005
Kris Weberg
fired up for the big event
Jesse and D outside
husband and wife
Anna and Jesse with their friend Gil as best man and Melissa Erin as maid of honor
The Bradley Posse: Kris, D, Anna, and me
D and Anna... I wish it wasn't blurry, it's the only close-up I got of her :-(
Kris posing for what he hopes will be his first new photo on this site since 2000
D, Melissa, and Kris
Kris drinking at the reception
Kris drinking after the reception
shenanigans on the drive back to the hotel
Kris complaining about how drunk he is
D making fun of Kris complaining
we shouldn't have gone downstairs to the bar
Anna promised to wear her wedding dress to a bar, so here she is (in white, above-left of center)
me calculating how little sleep I'm going to get before the flightAnd finally, I wouldn't deny you this: Kris Weberg drunk. (play)
Anna Gregoline and Jesse Thomas got married yesterday in Chicago and a few of us attended the happy event. My congratulations and best wishes are to the bride and groom, and my thanks for being invited; it was a wonderful ceremony.Here are my better shots; I hope D's photos are forthcoming. Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions.