Anna Gregoline | March 17, 2004
I need some more Tragic Comedy. Any current news things to talk about? I thought about posing about Spain, but there's really nothing to say. Political things seem tapped out. The gay marriage thread is still kind of clinging on, and we've done music and food too. What else?

Scott Hardie | March 17, 2004
Me, I talk when I have something to say. I don't like to invent artificial discussions that don't genuinely interest me. There's nothing wrong with the practice, I just try not to engage in it.

I do know that certain authors have stopped reading and posting on here recently, so we are fewer in number now than we may seem.

Anna Gregoline | March 17, 2004
Sorry, Scott. I'm just addicted to TC. It keeps my brain alive during the day. I don't like feeling brain dead.

Lori Lancaster | March 17, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | March 18, 2004
You people didn't listen when I warned you about furries.

I warn you again: Stay away from the phringe. Do not ask what it is. You do not want to know.

Lori Lancaster | March 18, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | March 18, 2004
Who says I never went on it?

(must... resist... urge to... say more...)

Lori Lancaster | March 18, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | March 19, 2004
I didn't understand that phringe site. I didn't spend more than five seconds on it because it was so haphazardly designed. Back to me being a web snob again.

Lori Lancaster | March 19, 2004
[hidden by request]

John E Gunter | March 19, 2004
But furries are so warm and cute and fuzzy! And they get nice and red and wet when you pop them with a shotgun.

Be vewy vewy quiet, we're hunting fuwwies. He he he he he.

Anna Gregoline | March 19, 2004
Uh, what?

Lori Lancaster | March 19, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | March 19, 2004
He is? I had no idea what he was talking about.

Lori Lancaster | March 19, 2004
[hidden by request]

John E Gunter | March 19, 2004

What I mean is, as long as you take it in moderation, furries are ok.

It's just like anything else, you concentrate on it to much, to the point of obsession and it gets really scary! Trust me on this.

I'm not talking from personal experience, I've never really obsessed on anything to that extent, but I've been witness to lots of other people obsessing on things. Usually at sci-fi or gaming conventions/stores.

Plus, sometimes I just can't resist being a smartass!

Anna Gregoline | March 19, 2004
I won't be taking any furries in any amount, but that's just me. I respect their right to do what they want though. To each their own.

Anna Gregoline | March 19, 2004
I won't be taking any furries in any amount, but that's just me. I respect their right to do what they want though. To each their own.

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