Scott Hardie | January 10, 2009
This may be a fruitless question to ask, but is anybody unable to reach this site in Firefox?

Last night, Amy contacted me to tell me that my site had been down all day – which was news to me, since I'd been using it throughout the evening. When I suggested that she try a different browser, she could reach it in Internet Explorer. I can reach the site just fine in Firefox, including after upgrading to the latest version 3.0.5, but I'm worried that she still can't.

She couldn't even reach an image file on this server, meaning it's got nothing to do with my code and it's some fundamental problem like Firefox is no longer supporting .tc domains for security reasons or something. She's trying a few things that I suggested, but now I'm getting paranoid about other people maybe not being able to reach the site, and not thinking to try a different browser. A few people are using the site I see, but is the low attendance due to this Firefox problem, or just people being busy on a Friday night, or just my imagination?

If you have Firefox installed, please let me know if you can or can't reach the site in it. I'd also like to know if it's your primary browser and which version you're running. Thank you!

Tony Peters | January 10, 2009
not me I'm on Firefox 3.05 albeit Mac but I can reach it fine

Erik Bates | January 10, 2009
[hidden by request]

Erik Bates | January 10, 2009
[hidden by request]

Steve Dunn | January 10, 2009
Firefox 3.0.5 on a Mac. No problem!

Warm greetings to my Firefox Mac brethren!

Lori Lancaster | January 10, 2009
[hidden by request]

Jeremiah Poisson | January 10, 2009
Firefox 3.0.5 on a mac, Just checked on a pc with FF 3.0.5, vista, 64bit. Works fine.

Tony Peters | January 11, 2009
just out of curiosity what is the Mac to PC ratio here

MAC here

Erik Bates | January 11, 2009
[hidden by request]

Steve West | January 11, 2009
PC only. Not anti-Mac, just don't have one.

Steve Dunn | January 11, 2009
I use Macs at home but Windows XP at work.

Jeremiah Poisson | January 11, 2009
I use my macbook at home and work. For Gaming I boot into the PC here at home.

Amy Austin | January 13, 2009
Yay, it works again -- I don't know why...

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