Jackie Mason | December 28, 2006
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | December 28, 2006
What?!!! No polar-bear-plodding/dragging-to-work-on-Monday video??? (JK, Jackie... I do think it's important -- just my silly thought after reading Scott's post on the omnipresence of net video. ;-D)

Jackie Mason | December 30, 2006
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | December 30, 2006
Heheh... yeah, you're talking about the one hosted by Al Bundy, right? I chuckled that this came up while that commercial is on the air, too -- the full clip is a Monday/Friday comparison, with giddy penguins being the "Friday from the office" transit.

Scott Hardie | December 30, 2006
Hmmm... If I were going to satirize this whole situation, I'd take the narration from the news report about how "human activity is causing global warming that destroys the natural habitat of the polar bears" and "polar bears enjoy an important place in American nostalgia," and play footage of chubby old men stripping down to their swim trunks and running into an ice-cold bay in January.

Amy Austin | December 31, 2006
Perfect, Scott... I've just recently had two mentions of this as a potential New Year's Eve activity, on which I will definitely have to pass. The second mention came from a female friend who feels about like I do on the prospect of being seen scantily clad and pasty-white in the prime of winter (when the 15-lb "protective" layer is hardest at work)...

Bystander 1: "Hey! Is that an albino whale over there???"

Bystander 2: "Wait a minute... I didn't think they meant 'polar bears' for REAL!!!"

No, thank you.

Tony Peters | December 31, 2006
awww Amy they are right down the street from you are you sure???? I know I'm going swimming in the ocean (OK Mediterranean sea) tommorrow. And you live in New England now no one really cares about the Blubber or the pasty white skin it's expected

Amy Austin | January 1, 2007
Thanks, but I spent the last hour and a half much like most of the last several years... in my house and barely aware of the hour. An added suckitude this year is waiting for my husband -- who only left around noon today -- to arrive, which means no one to kiss at midnight... as usual. Happy New Year, folks.

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