Aaron Shurtleff | October 6, 2006
Short and sweet, is there a way to tell how many goos we are into the accumulation phase of the GOO game. I wonder if it's panic time yet for me to make it to the elimination round! :)

If there is no way to tell (easily), does anyone know offhand? I know someone must be keeping track. Besides Scott, of course. ;)

Aaron Shurtleff | October 6, 2006
Edited out this comment. There's nothing to see here! These are not the droids you're looking for.

Aaron Shurtleff | October 6, 2006
Hey! It still shows up in the summary!

Not anymore! >:)

Lori Lancaster | October 6, 2006
[hidden by request]

Aaron Shurtleff | October 6, 2006
Well, unless I assume Amy's count of 65 is a perfect streak (and not that I don't think that's a VERY safe assumption), I don't see where it tells me how many of the 100 have been done or how many remain.

Unless I'm blind/clueless... :(

Russ Wilhelm | October 6, 2006
Take Amy's score, add 1 for a missed goo (we alll missed it), and any current goos she hasn't guessed at, and then you'll have the total for this round.

Scott Hardie | October 7, 2006
The first goo of the round was Johnny Depp, 0790. With 100 goos in the accumulation phase, that means the last one will be 0889. There are 32 goos remaining plus the 7 current now.

I've been thinking about adding the number of goos remaining to the Current Scores page, and this makes a good case for it. That page is so flat anyway. :-\

Kerry Odell | October 11, 2006
Ha! Just what I've been wondering too. I got a friend of mine started a while back and fortunately she still has a chance at making the 70 correct guesses cut-off!! :o)

I vote for the remaining number to be added!


Scott Hardie | October 13, 2006
It's on the list. It seems silly to let a little ten-minute task wait like that, but my busy schedule keeps me offline for days at a time, and I can't begin to count all the little ten-minute tasks waiting for my attention besides this one. I'll get to it when I get to it.

Care to tell us who your friend is? :-) I wish her luck too.

Aaron Shurtleff | October 13, 2006
It's panic time! :(

Kerry Odell | October 20, 2006
My friend is Joy Dunn...she has 45 guesses in, but may not make it because she just moved and doesn't have reliable internet yet. I haven't heard from her in about a week or so. At any rate, we met on another forum and get along well, so I passed along the site and the rest is history, so to speak. :)

Scott Hardie | October 22, 2006
You know, considering that Joy is the only unknown female player still with a chance of making it to the finals, I should have figured that out for myself. :-) But thanks for introducing her; I'm glad to have your enthusiasm for the game.

Steve Dunn | October 24, 2006
I suddenly wonder... did anyone think Joy Dunn was connected to me? Since she's not, I never thought much about it. But now that I do, I think if someone named Joy Hardie or Joy Shurtleff came along, I would probably make an assumption.

Kerry Odell | October 24, 2006
LOL...It crossed my mind once, but I figured she would've said something if related to you.

Scott Hardie | October 25, 2006
I didn't, Steve, but only because I know your wife's name is Kelli.

Amy Austin | October 25, 2006
Ditto... didn't think of any connection because of the fairly common name. Just as I wouldn't expect such assumptions about anyone named Austin... however, I think you could probably bet on a relation to any Ms!

Aaron Shurtleff | October 25, 2006
Is my aunt Joy here?!?! Wow!

Of course, I have no aunt Joy...that I know of. I have one aunt on that side of the family, who I have no seen in almost 30 years, so anything is possible. :) Not that anyone needed to know that.

I can honestly say it never occurred to me to wonder if there was a relation.

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