Aaron Shurtleff | November 14, 2007
Are we going to have one of these daily now? ;)

Happy Birthday to Mihai Rusu! I don't know that I've ever seen any activity from him, but if he sees this: Have a great birthday!!

Jackie Mason | November 14, 2007
[hidden by request]

Steve West | November 14, 2007
From an ocean away, Happy Birthday!

Amy Austin | November 17, 2007
Happy Birthday, Mihai -- I hope you'll read this! ;-)

Amy Austin | November 14, 2008
Heh... it does seem like we have a slew of November birthdays -- and since Mihai hasn't been seen around here for a long while now, I'm kind of doubting that he saw his birthday greetings last year or that he will see it this year, either... but...

Happy Birthday anyway, Romanian stranger!

Steve West | November 14, 2008
Felicitare zi de nastere . Happy birthday, my friend.

Amy Austin | November 14, 2008
Umm... numa numa? (Steve... show-off!)

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