Kris Weberg | June 17, 2008
I'm not sure how many months of this sort of thing I can take. Is it too late to give Texas back to Mexico?

Lori Lancaster | June 17, 2008
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Amy Austin | June 17, 2008
Whoa... where you been hiding, Dr. Kris? (heheh... I like that -- like Dr. Phil, only not from Texas... coincidence?)

Answer to the first ?: Four months too many.
Answer to the 2nd: Yes, it's way past 30 days now, and even with receipt, what good is store credit going to do us?

Samir Mehta | June 17, 2008
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Erik Bates | June 18, 2008
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Scott Hardie | June 28, 2008
The smears against Obama have been ineffectual so far – really, Karl? he's "arrogant"? name me a politician who isn't – but there's a remarkable smear machine lying in wait, preparing much deadlier mudslinging for the months ahead. As someone on BTD put it, in 2003 nobody thought John Kerry was a treasonous pansy.

Among the trends Obama has bucked, I'm heartened to see Most politicians won't acknowledge the lies whispered about them, because their rebukes are what drag the lies onto the nightly news. Obama is using the multimedia capabilities of the web in a great way: Showing videos, photos, and documents disproving many of the common lies about him. Great tool.

Jackie Mason | June 28, 2008
[hidden by request]

Aaron Shurtleff | June 28, 2008
And it's not just politics, if I can go in a slight tangent. How many people did I hear say that Barry Bonds must be guilty, because if he wasn't guilty, why wasn't he addressing the rumors of steroid use? No one gives you credit for taking the high road...ever.

Not that I don't think Bonds is guilty as sin anyways. :)

But, yeah, I know people (who will remain nameless) who still don't feel comfortable voting for "a muslim post-9/11", even though I think it's pretty common knowledge (especially after the Reverend Wright flap) that Obama is not a muslim. I mean, come on people!!! :D

Amy Austin | June 29, 2008
The Arab-Americans who are pleading for Obama to say, "So what if I *am* a Muslim -- it shouldn't be an issue!" have my sympathy, however. I wish religion wasn't even allowed to be mentioned in the political realm -- I think it's actually even more divisive than race, honestly!

Kris Weberg | July 5, 2008
Could be why those dudes back in the late 1700s wrote that " religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." It's in the Constiwhatchamacallit. You know, that thing we had before terrorists forced the guvmint to wiretap my mom's phone calls to her relatives in India.

Amy Austin | July 5, 2008
And yet they just keep on insisting that we have no "religious test". Right... and we have no habeas corpus, either. (Wait a minute...)

Good to see you, Kris... did the guvmint kidnap you for your new PhD prowess, or what?

Tony Peters | July 7, 2008
An interesting piece on the Flip Floping of the Candidates...Obama's changes bring him closer to my beliefs; McCain however now seems to be endorsing torture, he really has sold his soul to win the Republican base

Amy Austin | July 7, 2008
I guess McCain is an Alaskan now, huh.

Tony Peters | July 7, 2008
thanks you know spelling has never been my forte.... still I understand the anything to win but the guy's objection on torture has always been as a victim of it and now he seems to be saying through his flip flop that he deserved to be tortured. That I don't understand

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