Scott Hardie | January 16, 2002
Two entries back, I discussed the discovery of our empty kitchen trash can as an excellent mousetrap, since the mice hop right in. I caught three mice in it last night. This morning I woke up to find five mice in it, and another one in the empty bathroom trash! Cha-ching! I drowned five of them. The sixth one got away, but an hour later he or another one just like him (all of these mice are identical, grey with white bellies) was sitting in the kitchen trash can, waiting for death. The stray cats will eat well from our yard tonight. And with eleven mice dead, there can't be that many left in the house, so our mice days are hopefully coming to an end. I put a counter up on the right side of TC for the moment, to track the progress.

Matthew Preston | January 17, 2002
Man, you are kicking ass. Keep it up Mr. Hardie.

Scott Hardie | January 17, 2002
Thank you. (fwip)

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