Scott Hardie | June 8, 2008
In case you're wondering in the absence of declared difficulty, Kelly's goo is designed to be very, very hard. It's one of the most difficult goos the game has ever seen. Even if you translate the clue, it's still one of the hardest. If you can solve this goo, my hat's off to you.

Steve West | June 8, 2008
Then maybe you or Kelly can give us a hint. Just a little one. Jaysus.

Amy Austin | June 8, 2008
Somehow, I did manage to intuit this, and yet... I do feel even more lost without my beloved difficulty rating. BRING BACK THE ("intended", whatever!) DIFFICULTY RATINGS!!! PLEEEEEAAASSE, SCOTT!

Scott Hardie | June 8, 2008
I will say two things about it.

First, the clue really is translated from English and can be translated back; it's not random gibberish. I suppose I already gave that away, above.

Second, Kelly created this goo to criticize something about the game that she doesn't like. (No, it's not you guessing correctly.) She isn't alone in her feelings on the subject.

Steve West | June 8, 2008
Thanks for the little bone. I won't beg for more.

Scott Hardie | June 8, 2008
I don't think I was clear enough so far, so let me come out and say it: This goo has a specific purpose that Kelly is trying to achieve (criticism/parody), and it is not intended as a playable goo. It can be solved, but you're probably wasting your time to try, and that might frustrate you when you learn afterwards that you spent all week trying to solve a near-impossible goo, so I'm trying to spare you that frustration. Also: It is not about a specific player.

Tournament starts this Saturday.

Steve West | June 8, 2008
Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber, when he asked what were the odds of he and his stalkee developing a romantic relationship was told "one in a million", his response was, "So you're saying there's a chance." Complete with idiotic expression of ecstacy. That's me (sad, sad, sad). Even though I believe everything you've said, Hey, that's why I love this game.

Amy Austin | June 8, 2008
Well, Lloyd, I'm your Harry then. ;-)

Tony Peters | June 9, 2008
nadda clue here

Samir Mehta | June 10, 2008
[hidden by request]

Samir Mehta | June 10, 2008
[hidden by request]

Samir Mehta | June 10, 2008
[hidden by request]

Kelly Lee | June 10, 2008

Scott Hardie | June 10, 2008
You might have solved it five minutes later, Samir, but your guess was a good one.

Now, shall we start the bidding for Samir's correct answer?

Samir Mehta | June 10, 2008
[hidden by request]

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