Chris Lemler | December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas to all my friends on this site.....I hope everyone has a safe and good Christmas

Matthew Preston | December 25, 2012
You too Chris, merry Christmas!

Steve West | December 25, 2012
As Billy Squier sang, "Christmas is the time to say, 'I love you'." I love you guys.

Scott Hardie | December 25, 2012
Right back at you, all three (and everyone). I am amused at the coincidence that Kelly bought me a pagan-themed card game as a gift on this holy Christian day. :-)

Russ Wilhelm | December 25, 2012
Too funny! Merry Christmas, all y'all.

Scott Hardie | December 26, 2012
Ha! After writing that, I went to my mother's house for Christmas dinner, and she gave me another game with the same subject matter. My loved ones know me well.

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