Anna Gregoline | October 24, 2004
Providing the ultimate off-road experience!
Anna Gregoline | October 24, 2004
Perhaps Harvey took it a little bit too seriously when he was told the only place he could go was up.
Anna Gregoline | October 24, 2004
For SUV owners everywhere - now you can REALLY look down on everyone!
Anna Gregoline | October 24, 2004
A solution to traffic problems.
Scott Hardie | October 24, 2004
"Honey, will you please pull over and ask for directions?"
Scott Hardie | October 24, 2004
(Forgive me...)
"Hey! You can see the Yankees sucking from here!"
Steve West | October 24, 2004
As far as the designers at Jeep were concerned, that whole elopement with a ladder idea was a bit passe.
Steve West | October 24, 2004
Donald Trump unveils the latest perk to winning on "The Apprentice" - the "Employee of the Year" parking space.
Steve West | October 24, 2004
Boy, that Spiderman sure hates double-parkers.
Kris Weberg | October 24, 2004
"Whatever you do, Harry, don't slow down!"
Scott Hardie | October 24, 2004
In six months, we'll see a "Law & Order" episode about a contest promoter killed by a falling Jeep when someone cut the cord.
Steve West | October 24, 2004
Putting her physics degree to nefarious use, Denise Sawicki, the Mistress of Magnetism, unleashes her diabolical plan to make the roadways of America safe for cyclists.
Scott Hardie | October 24, 2004
How do you get a Jeep on the side of a New York skyscraper?
Practice, practice, practice.
Kris Weberg | October 24, 2004
"So that's what overdrive does!"
Steve West | October 25, 2004
These speedbumps are gettin' ridiculous.
Anthony Lewis | October 25, 2004
"Alternate side of the building parking is in effect today."
I think only those who live in NYC can appreciate that.
Kris Weberg | October 25, 2004
The Chrysler Building's new policy of displaying top-sellers quickly drew the public's attention.
David Mitzman | October 25, 2004
hahahaha, anthony, you sir are a champion. i had a good laugh out of that one. oh man how did I hate alternate side of the street parking (even though I didn't live there, whenever I'd drive in to visit friends and would stay overnight, up before 9 to move the car). That's why i took the LIRR more often than not. When I did drive, I tend to visit the friends in the non-alternate street parking areas.
Scott Horowitz | October 25, 2004
"I knew I shoulda took that left turn at Albuquerque."
David Mitzman | October 25, 2004
"When you don't want to spend $300 a month on parking..."
Kris Weberg | October 25, 2004
The MIT pranksters outdid themselves this year.
Steve West | October 25, 2004
Look at that escargot! (Ya see the "S" would be for supercar or something like that... Oh never mind.)
Kris Weberg | October 25, 2004
Bitten by a radioactive spider, the SUV learned that with great horsepower came great horseresponsibility.
Jackie Mason | October 25, 2004
[hidden by request]
Scott Horowitz | October 25, 2004
Where we're going, we don't need roads.
Scott Hardie | October 26, 2004
This is one of the more plausible things I've seen an SUV do in commercials.
Amy Austin | October 26, 2004
hehehe... got in on this one too late for my initial thought:
"I knew I shoulda took that left turn at Albuquerque." (good call, Scott!) Read these to my husband and had him chuckling. I guess, with enough duct tape, *any* place can be a good parking space!
Amy Austin | October 26, 2004
While struggling to remember the details of the daydream that he was having only a moment earlier at the red light, Frank thought to himself, "Wow. Those electro-pneumatic horns sure are loud."
John E Gunter | October 26, 2004
"If there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call..."
Kris Weberg | October 26, 2004
After decades of efforts by lobbyists, Congress finally gave in to pressure and repealed the law of gravity.
Anthony Lewis | October 27, 2004
Dave....LOL. Thanks. I'm glad someone got it.
I don't blame you. Although Alt-side works for me when I go to's on those Wednesdays and the Jewish or major holidays that I have trouble. I usually leave for work when alt-side ends for the day. I usually have little trouble finding parking. But if no one has to move their can take awhile.
Crap. Tomorrow (or today actually) is Wednesday. Damn.
Anthony Lewis | October 27, 2004
Good one Ho.
Scott Hardie | October 31, 2004
Fed up with the burden that SUVs place on the fuel supply and air quality, the city decides to start dropping something other than a crystal ball every New Year's.
Kris Weberg | November 1, 2004
Sometimes, even God likes a good prank.
Scott Horowitz | November 1, 2004
Holy strong bat-ropes, Batman!
Kris Weberg | November 1, 2004
I must've taken a wrong turn at Albequerque.....
Scott Horowitz | November 1, 2004
I already used that one... Kris
Kris Weberg | November 2, 2004
Foils! Cursed again!
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Scott Hardie | October 24, 2004

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