Jackie Mason | February 19, 2004
[hidden by request]

Dave Stoppenhagen | February 20, 2004
I know what you mean Jackie, I quit about a year ago and I still have that problem. When I quit it seemed that all of my friends were smoking, I had one in January when things were getting pretty hectic and it made me physically ill.

Anna Gregoline | February 20, 2004
Congratulations to both of you! My boyfriend smokes, and while I wish he had quit completely, he's doing a lot better. He's only smoking several times a day now, compared to a pack a day like he was in Massachusetts. Hopefully, he'll be able to quit too. His health has definitely improved since he's come out here to live with me, but I'm also attributing that to being close to me! =)

Jackie Mason | February 20, 2004
[hidden by request]

Dave Stoppenhagen | February 20, 2004
Yeah right after work was one of the hardest times for me as well, I would light up as soon as I was out the door. Driving was also really hard for me I would smoke a lot, slow drivers in the fast lane tend to annoy me.

Anna Gregoline | February 20, 2004
Jesse has trouble with driving, and work is hard, because people take smoke breaks. I'm sure that when he's around his old friends more, it will be hard too. I just hope he can stop someday, I worry about him, and I would be really pissed if he got sick with lung cancer or any of those diseases.

Dave Stoppenhagen | February 20, 2004
I understand, I tried to quite a lot of times when I didn't really want to quit. I did it for all the "right" reasons except for the desire to quit. That was the hardest part wanting to quit. I do have a lot more energy and stamina now though.

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