Survivor: Mason Dixon Line
Jackie Mason | August 23, 2006
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Lori Lancaster | August 23, 2006
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Lori Lancaster | August 23, 2006
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Jackie Mason | August 24, 2006
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Amy Austin | August 24, 2006
Didn't the first Survivor already prove that gays kick ass??? ;-) (Though I never thought of Richard Hatch as a quintessential gay man...)
Scott Horowitz | August 24, 2006
Well, the IRS did pound his ass...
Tony Peters | August 26, 2006
yeah Hatch is from my home town...he was annoying as hell (and yes he is GAAAAAAY)...We all cheered when the judgement went against him. He's in jail now probably acting as someone's girlfriend(continuing tha a$$ pounding) the way he whines.
Scott Hardie | August 27, 2006
Could be, Jackie. One TV critic predicted next season will be Survivor: Arabs vs. Jews.
I'm a little disappointed in the show for stooping to controversy-mongering like this. Mark Burnett has attempted reverse psychology by making a round of talk-show appearances in which he aggressively denies attempting to incite controversy, and sure enough it worked: On Friday, New York City Council members responded to constituent distemper by announcing a protest rally urging CBS not to broadcast the series. Yeah, like CBS is going to throw away a $40-million production because it has ignited the very controversy they were counting on when they planned it.
About the racial divide on the show, I say "whatever": Survivor has disappointed me numerous times in the past by promising a twist like this and then snatching it away before it means anything. Exile Island was supposed to divide the tribes by age, but that was canceled with a swap in the second episode. Palau was supposed to start without tribes at all, just twenty players living together in the wild, but that was canceled after twenty goddamn minutes. I know why they swap the tribes and even why they did it so early in those cases, but at the same time, I'm done caring about any announced twists in upcoming seasons because it so often means nothing.
Tony Peters | August 27, 2006
you know I can honestly say that Survivor is one of those shows I am really happy I lived overseas and missed most of. I'm sure there are other shows but none that I dislike as much. Reality game shows just don't appeal to me...well except maybe "Dancing with the Stars" but I liked the dancing.
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Scott Horowitz | August 23, 2006
Survivor is grouping it's tribes by races for the next season.
New 'Survivor' to group players by ethnicity
What do you guys think?