Scott Hardie | January 4, 2011
So Obama is considering hiring William Daley for Chief of Staff, who for all his credentials, remains the brother of Richard Daley... the same Richard Daley who recently, unexpectedly announced the end of his career as Chicago's mayor... opening up the mayor's office for Rahm Emanuel to run for it and very likely win, which opens up the Chief of Staff position for... William Daley? Chicago's politics are notoriously corrupt, but they're not usually this transparent. The news only came out last night and reactions aren't in yet, but I sure expect a wave of controversy over a very apparent case of quid pro quo. Even if it's all legit, it's way too convenient.

Scott Hardie | January 8, 2011
I still can't believe this isn't generating controversy, here or elsewhere. At least, I haven't noticed any, and I've been looking. I have no idea whether there's any corruption involved in Daley's hiring or not; who am I to say? But considering the legions of conspiracy theorists who see illegitimacy in everything from where Obama was born to who he used to associate with, I'm surprised by the silence greeting this announcement, which is bright neon red and blinking as signs of Obama's corruption go. It would be wonderful if we as a nation had become exhausted of paying attention to Obama's nitpickers and naysayers, but a more probable explanation is the timing of this news to come out between election cycles, when there are fewer flames for it to fan.

Steve West | January 8, 2011
Forget it America, it's Chicago. :(

Tony Peters | January 8, 2011
or Daley's got enough dirt to keep the power players quiet

Jackie Mason | January 14, 2011
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | January 20, 2011
I think it's something where you'd have to be aware of Chicago politics to notice. Something about it was tickling me, but even I didn't see the full connection laid out until you said so. Chicago is a bizarre town politically, but what's even stranger is how much all of us citizens who live here accept it. It's a non-issue except for complaints about it - nothing much is ever done, and the feeling is pervasive that it will never change.

Anna Gregoline | January 20, 2011
Oh man, I need a new picture on here! I look so different now.

Jackie Mason | January 31, 2011
[hidden by request]

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