Scott Hardie | July 29, 2007
Dentist performs procedure on his assistant that puts her under general anesthesia. He installs fake boar tusks in her mouth, snaps embarrassing photos, then completes procedure like normal. She finds out, so he settles rather than be sued. His insurance won't cover the settlement, so he sues them. Judge says the insurance has to cover it. (link) Is this fair?

For what it's worth, this may be another small sign we've left political correctness behind. In the icy climate of ten years ago, this would have been harassment, and the dentist would have been out of business or close to it. These days, apparently having a friendly workplace is so important that practical jokes like this are an "integral" part of the job. Sweet! I'm gonna pants my boss on Monday.

Amy Austin | July 29, 2007
Wow. Talk about surreal...

Tony Peters | July 30, 2007
OK it was a joke, it shouldn't have been lawsuit material in the first place, the chick should grow a thicker skin. we really need fewer lawyers in the world....or at least the USA....

And I would sooooo want the photos and the neg's/original files

Anna Gregoline | July 30, 2007
Inappropriate "joke" by all means. That guy should not be practicing medicine.

Amy Austin | July 30, 2007
Yeah, can't say that I found it all that funny, either. Particularly because it didn't sound like the "joke" was for her benefit, but for the rest of the office's... at her expense. If that is indeed the case, I would be sorely pissed, too.

Tony Peters | July 31, 2007
well the fact that the guy made a half million dollars on the whole episode is quite funny, but rather twisted in the same light....

Erik Bates | August 1, 2007
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | August 1, 2007
Yeah... and people wonder why dental coverage is lacking.

Scott Hardie | August 8, 2007
An acquaintance said the judge was wise to make the insurance pay for his lawsuit, since their victory would have provided legal precedent for insurance companies to decide what is appropriate in the medical workplace and what is not. You'd think all of this would have been long-settled by now given the high-stakes game still being played by the insurance companies and health care providers.

Me, I just want to know how the tusk photos still haven't been leaked to the web.

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