Weekly Reader?
Erik Bates | August 22, 2007
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Steve West | August 22, 2007
I don't know if I qualify for the word "voracious", but I read about a book a week, so fifty each year. Mostly novels but discipline myself to reading something from the non-fiction shelf every fifth book. A few years ago I read nothing but non-fiction for an entire year and felt better for it. Probably won't do that again.
Lori Lancaster | August 22, 2007
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Tony Peters | August 22, 2007
only 17 books??? I think I read between 60-80 books last year. Yes i know that means more than 1 a week but given that I usually keep 2-4 books going at the same time not including magazines or illustrated things (Manga, comics etc). I will say that I read 10-15 work related books (usually photography/graphics but sometimes RF/microwave theory) I just can't not read I start to feel like my brain is wasting
Lori Lancaster | August 22, 2007
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Steve West | August 25, 2007
A helpful webpage entitled "What Should I Read Next" allows you type in the name of a book title and author of anything you have read (and liked) and it will suggest further reading. You can also add your suggestions to the database, I think.
Jackie Mason | August 26, 2007
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Aaron Shurtleff | August 28, 2007
I've actually read six books this year so far...all of them Harry Potter! I wanted to wait until they were all out to read them, which makes it real real hard to avoid spoilers. I just have the last one.
Everything gets put into racial demographic terms nowadays! I would almost defy anyone to find something people won't put into those terms... :( I think it makes no sense...
Reading, to me, is more fun than watching TV or movies. Most of the time, if I see a movie based on a book, I find that the story has to be (for lack of a better term, sorry) stupified in order to make in work. I've yet to find anything that was better as a movie than a book.
Steve West | August 29, 2007
The Godfather worked better as a film IMHO. Jaws as well.
Jackie Mason | August 30, 2007
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Scott Hardie | August 22, 2007
A survey reports that one in four American adults did not read a single book in the last year. Of those that did read, the average number of books read in the last year was seven. (link) Where do you fall?
I admit to being in that one-fourth. The last book that I read in full was last summer, and it wasn't even a "real" book, just a celebrity autobiography. I've managed only a book a year since college, and none finished this year despite a few starts. I was just thinking earlier today about how I haven't written movie reviews for a while and wondering whether I should discontinue TMR for lack of interest, and I realized that writing reviews is "like reading" for me: I still enjoy doing it, but it has fallen so far down the list of activities I enjoy that I rarely get to it any more. For the time being, I'm going to keep TMR and keep starting new books, but who knows what the future holds for either.