Apparently I need to be more careful. I won't tell you how Angelic Layer is going then, but it's close to an amazing conclusion!

That was a reference to another anime series, but I'll let you figure figure it out. It's not really that difficult to figure out. :)

I googled myself yesterday, and Google links to my blog now. So, to all of my old friends, acquaintences, and people who google random names and read their blogs "Hi!" To all my old enemies, ex-s (and especially you, and you know who you are!), and other undesirables "C-ya!"

I didn't get my results back from Dr. Coo-Coo. Apparently, it takes longer than I hoped to get them back. When I get them, I'll update both of the interested parties, and everyone else can be stuck reading about it.

Well, I have to go home now. Lego Star Wars 2 waits for no man! :D

One Reply to 05-I-2007 or No Spoilers in this post, I swear!!

Lori Lancaster | January 5, 2007
[hidden by author request]


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

22-VIII-2006 or PC Load Letter?! What the #@$% does that mean?!

I caught the tail end of Office Space the other night. Always improves my mood, somehow. I almost wish I worked in an office, so the jokes would be funnier. Go »

14-VII-2009 or Oh. Didn't I Mention That??

Ha! I just saw the funniest thing, but I shouldn't make mention of it, since it involves images of me online on Youtube cursing and being a total dick. It's real funny, but of course, if I speak of it, or name the event, then everyone will see me being a weirdo, and they might think that's really how I roll. Go »

Random Thought

I'm considering trading in a bunch of R3 cards in RB to get a card I really want (plus an Achievement), so anyone who reads this and is interested in one of my R3's let me know. I'm willing to consider a trade over 10 cards to get one I want. Although the Achievement intrigues me... Go »


Just seeing if I can get a picture of Malachi to show up here... If this works, this is Malachi's "Get that camera out of my %^&*ing face!" look! Go »

30-III-2007 or Happy Days are here again!

I watched a re-run of Happy Days on TV last night. Nothing to get excited about. Betcha thought I had some good news to share. Go »

Today or What? I'm Drunk!

No, really. I was cleanign my fish tank. It has a bad bacteria bloom, probably because I feed the fish too much to be honest. Go »