Short one today. Looking at my GOO record, I found that the first GOO I ever guessed correctly was Ray Charles. That is also the first GOO that Russ Wilhelm guessed correctly, or at least that's what I am led to believe by looking at the GOO. Which led me to make a comparison between the two GOO records...


...To think what different paths we took, having started at the same point... :)

One Reply to 8-II-2010 or *sigh*

Aaron Shurtleff | February 10, 2010
Oops! Forgot the Song of the Day!!

How about...

"That Song" by Big Wreck. Works for me! ;)


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

31-X-2007 or Quick funny

I was at Target today working, and they were giving me crap. My co-worker thinks one of the other employees was hitting on me (she totally wasn't), and she's been telling people about how funny she thinks it is. Well, anyway, my immediate superior comes up to me, and he's patting me on the back, and he's razzing me, and he says, "C'mon, playa! Go »

17-I-2007 or Henry Rollins ain't got nothing on me!

So, the results are in, and I'm still walking the streets, so that's good...maybe. I really should have seen this coming, but I did exceptional on the test...sort of. Go »

10-VII-2006 or Thinking too hard

I'm thinking too hard about it. I'm letting my fears get the best of me. I need to relax and just deal with things from a position of confidence, not weakness. Go »

27-VI-2019 or Savage Meme

Been a busy day, but I guess I gotta do something. Hi! Hello! Go »

30-VI-2009 or Is it wrong to be happy?

I take joy in finding out that the ex that f-ed around on me 3 times while we were dating now appears to be divorced from the first guy she married, and is now apparently married to the guy she f-ed around with all three times we were dating. I am happy because a) she obviously really really liked the guy and b) now I know that it really was her, and not me. I beat the sh!t Go »

12-VII-2009 or Dance With The Dead In My Dreams

Hey, everybody! Long time, no hear! How are you all doing today? Go »