Work is going to kill me! I've been out in the sun too long. I need a quick break. How do I spend it? You're looking at it! :)

Well, I was out squatting for a while, counting insects on about 1000 tomato seedlings that are 2-4 inches tall. The back is screaming at me right now! Ow! Then, I had to pipet a product (we hate to say using a different word changes anything) onto plants 2.6 mL at a time. 400 plants. One by one. Repeat repeat repeat! I need a vacation. Oh, wait! I got one coming! Yay!!

The title is from a song I've had on my mind..if you can call it a song. "Wet My Bed" by Stone Temple Pilots. It's not the song of the day, though. Just on my mind.

I'm on the countdown. 14 days. I hate getting older. Yuck. Glad I'll be out of the country when it hits. I only have to worry about my wife reminding me. Until I get back... :(

It's starting to look a bit cloudy. If it rains, I won't be able to finish up my ladling. (Don't ask!) I should get going...

In a bit! :P

The song of the day will be "Black" by Pearl Jam. Just because.

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life
I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky
Why..why..why can't it be..can't it be mine?

If that doesn't touch your heart, you don't have one.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

2-VII-2008 or Quick Hits

1) At the bottom of my Dashboard, it says: You are not currently playing a concert with Amy Austin. Yea. And I ain't gonna! Go »

3-VIII-2007 or Kickball Follies

I think there might be a few pictures of me from the after-kickball party. If so, I'll give a handy link (since I don't know how to post them here...), in case anyone wants to see what drunk people who play kickball look like! Go »

Bonus post: Things I Think I Think

I was replying to Scott's post in Decidedly Undecided, and I started thinking it's nice to be posting again. Even if people were to find my opinions funny or misguided or flat out wrong, if the thought is out there, people can see it, and if I have an error in my thinking, maybe they can help me see things in a different light. I like that. Go »

Random Thought

I'm considering trading in a bunch of R3 cards in RB to get a card I really want (plus an Achievement), so anyone who reads this and is interested in one of my R3's let me know. I'm willing to consider a trade over 10 cards to get one I want. Although the Achievement intrigues me... Go »

27-VI-2019 or Savage Meme

Been a busy day, but I guess I gotta do something. Hi! Hello! Go »

6-IX-2007 or Not again! :(

I really really really hate birthdays! Just a reminder that you've been around another year, and that your time is shorter by 365 days (or so). :( I'm cranky like that. Go »