Last night was the last night of the regular kickball season. The playoff tournament is going to take place while I am in Denmark, so I am done. I will miss kickball. I will definately have to play again next season. I mean, I'm bad, but it's a blast!

Also, for the second time in my life, I engaged in kareoke. Same result as last time: people laughed and looked embarrassed for me, while I had fun. I did a stunning rendition of "Bad Medicine" by New Jersey's own Bon Jovi. All hail me! :D

The song of the day, of course, must be "Bad Medicine"! Imagine it being sung wildly off key, and you'll get the effect. ;)

12 days. I'm starting to feel the pressure in my chest. Good thing I got all of the wild oats out last night! ;)

My throat still hurts. What I lack in skill, I make up for in volume and enthusiasm.

Do I have anything to talk about other than kareoke? Nothing that comes to mind easily.

I just heard about the passing of Maynard Ferguson. I'm not all that big into jazz or trumpets, but I did happen to see a show of his, and he was great. He lived a pretty full life, though, I think, and that's as much as anyone can hope for in this crazy world.

Moving on to the weekend!!!


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

2-VIII-2007 or I Don't Have an Aunt Flo...

but I had issues! Unfortunately, last week went to Hades, thanks to an unscheduled visit from Uncle Intestinal Discomfort. I was pinned to my bathroom from Wednesday night into Saturday morning, with no internet access, so I was unable to even try to make a showing in the GOO finals. Go »

Yay, a blog!

I've never had a blog (as the people here who know what an absolute technophobe I am will tell you is not surprising), so I guess this is my first step into the wonderful world of blogging. I had food poisoning last night, so my stomach is ready to bust again. Don't eat week old meatloaf is the lesson of the day. Go »

24-IV-2008 or Fallen Angel

I have a post to write, but I'm not sure I can get to it in its entirety before the end of work, so I might just be holding this space for a while. Think of it as an announcement that something is coming later tonight (after kickball). It actually, in some ways, involves kickball. Go »

4-XII-2006, or The One About Mythbusters

I know that I am so late to the party here, but has everyone seen this Mythbusters show? I just watched it again for the first time a few weeks ago, and that is some good stuff right there! Holy crap!! Go »

28-V-2010 or The Price

No, this is not about the Twisted Sister song! Although it could be... We will never discuss the price I just paid to get Bon Jovi back on my Rock Block label... Go »

24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!

There's really no appropriate place to say, "Hey! I bought a wireless USB adapter, and I'm borrowing my neighbor's internet access!" But, I am! Go »