25-VIII-2006 or All good things...
by Aaron Shurtleff on August 25, 2006

Last night was the last night of the regular kickball season. The playoff tournament is going to take place while I am in Denmark, so I am done. I will miss kickball. I will definately have to play again next season. I mean, I'm bad, but it's a blast!
Also, for the second time in my life, I engaged in kareoke. Same result as last time: people laughed and looked embarrassed for me, while I had fun. I did a stunning rendition of "Bad Medicine" by New Jersey's own Bon Jovi. All hail me! :D
The song of the day, of course, must be "Bad Medicine"! Imagine it being sung wildly off key, and you'll get the effect. ;)
12 days. I'm starting to feel the pressure in my chest. Good thing I got all of the wild oats out last night! ;)
My throat still hurts. What I lack in skill, I make up for in volume and enthusiasm.
Do I have anything to talk about other than kareoke? Nothing that comes to mind easily.
I just heard about the passing of Maynard Ferguson. I'm not all that big into jazz or trumpets, but I did happen to see a show of his, and he was great. He lived a pretty full life, though, I think, and that's as much as anyone can hope for in this crazy world.
Moving on to the weekend!!!
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26-VIII-2019 or Shame!
Nope, not a Game of Throne reference. I heard the song by Stabbing Westward today, so it will be the song of the day. Shows what you know. Go »
19/20-II-2009 or Guilty Pleasures
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11-VIII-2006 or Scutellum with Sublateral Grooves
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23-VIII-2006 or Please think for me, I can't bear to.
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12-VII-2009 or Dance With The Dead In My Dreams
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