I just saw on CNN that we caught the polygamist who was on the FBI's most wanted list. Hmm... I should read the article to see what he did exactly. I thought most polygamists stayed to themselves, mostly. As a person with one wife, I can't imagine what kind of time it takes to keep a posse of wives happy! This guy has gotta be either the happiest or most miserable guy in the world...and I'm split as to which it could be.

I thought it would be easier to do all of this blogging stuff, but either I underestimated the time I need to post in here daily, or my job is getting more and more time-consuming. Seems like I just want to relax and have water (Pepsi) when I have a break period.

I'm falling behind on GOOs, too. I'll blame that on the super-hard GOO. It's really time, but what can I do? Blame someone else!

I was kind of disappointed to hear that we still don't know who killed JonBenet Ramsey. It seems kind of curious, though. How does this guy have "unreleased information"? I heard he corresponded with the now-deceased mother, but that could go either way. I mean, as a parent, the mother could have been told all of the "secret information", but did she really tell a supposed stranger all that? If Carr wasn't there, who told him what was up?

I need to quit killing myself with nicotene. I quit for three months or so, then I get weak, buy a pack, smoke it down, and then quit again. Until three more months pass... I can do the cut down; it's the weaning off that gets me. I need that gum or something...

I saw a carrot by the side of the road the other day. Just lying there. It looked kind of sad, but I can't explain why I felt that way. It was just a carrot after all. I'll have to tell my therapist about it. He'll ask me what I think it means, I'll say I don't know (I don't honestly), and the conversation will go nowhere, but it's fun to throw in the unexplainable! I need to keep my mouth shut. Maybe he'll let me stop going. :)

Song of the day? Gosh. I don't have anything stuck in my head. I would say the new K-Fed song, but I want to pretend that I never heard it. I would say something by Paris Hilton, but I'm praying never to hear such a thing. I'm fresh out of weird obscure songs that no one knows about, and I am not hip enough to know any new songs that I could recommend.

It seems a shame not to have one, though.

"Fire Door" by Ani DiFranco. I heard she has a new album out. I've seen her in concert three times, which is probably three more times than any other straight guy who wasn't trying to get a lesbian/bisexual girl into his bed. She has a very provocative voice. Just my opinion. This is one of my favorite songs...other than maybe "32 Flavors", but that's too mainstream! ;)

One Reply to 29-VIII-2006 or Most-wanted polygamist?!

Lori Lancaster | August 29, 2006
[hidden by author request]


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

22-II-2007 or Speaking of crap...

I wrestled with not saying this, but I've been transparent about everything thus far, so here's the latest medical drama. I getting a colonoscopy tomorrow. That involves a lot of "cleansing" this evening, and a lot of I can't eat anything today and tomorrow. Go »

15-VI-2007 or Feeling Like a Monday...

...but someday I'll be Saturday night. Another crazy Bon Jovi song...got Go »

10-IV-2008 or Beavis and Butthead

I'm at work. I took my pill this morning, because I think I forgot to take it last night. From the way I'm feeling now, I think I double-medicated myself. Go »

4-VIII-2006 or Dogs and Ponies and VP's, Oh, $h!t!

Heh. Today, the new VP of Agricultural Research or whatever is touring our facility, so ain't squat gonna get done. I had to spend most of the day yesterday cleaning up and making the lab basically look like no one does anything. Go »

21-XI-2009 or *sigh*

Suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck. Go »

12-VII-2008 or Furious Ranting

Warning! I'll be trying to watch my language, but I make no promises. Keep children and people with low tolerance for profanity away. Go »