And Now For A Musical Interlude...
by Steve West on July 9, 2008

Bunch o' music links.
List of the best
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Housebuying Stuff
I'm too tired to come up with a more clever title. New carpet installed. New bathtub and shower installed. Go »
One From Column A & Two From Column B
Serve yourself. Remember those "Fold-ins" from Mad Magazine? Here they are. Go »
Halloween Is For The Cats
Lest our feline readers feel left out, follow the links to some pretty cool costumed cats. They really look a lot more regal than their canine counterparts. Satan's kitty Earl, the cross-eyed cowboy kitty I am Me-owl from Krypton There isn't any garlic in that catnip, is there? Go »
What'd I Step In?
Things stuck to the bottom of my internet shoe. Things not to do while wearing briefs made of beef jerky. (Besides wearing briefs made of beef jerky) Venezuelans believe children should not watch The Simpsons, offer more wholesome fare instead. Go »
Lost in Translation
Some ad slogans that had hilarious results when translated into other languages for international marketing. Go »