by Steve West on April 25, 2009

I just came back from a Daddy/Daughter event at Lauren's school. It was a PTA sponsored Bingo night. Lauren and I spent two hours playing Bingo laughing in frustration about coming so close to winning and just hugging and sharing a good time. We hadn't won anything until the last game, the one in which you must fill the entire card. Damned if the girl didn't win. The grand prize was her choice of a selection of carnival type prizes and she chose a lava lamp (that's my girl!). Along with the lava lamp she and I get to go rock climbing with the principal and his daughter at some facility designed for such things. Have I ever mentioned I'm acrophobic? But I'll go for her on the condition that she break my fall.
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

End Of The Year Post 2007
Some of the most interesting Year In Perspective lists I found. Top Ten News Stories. Top 5 Fails. Go »
Number 10. He's Gay As A Caballero
"The Nose on Your Face" gives their top 9 possible explanations for Senator Larry Craig's airport bathroom behavior. Go »
End Of My Blog Sabbatical
Just came back from my local town's (Bowie, MD) fireworks display. For such a small town they really do a good job. This is really saying something where the fireworks show right next door (Washington DC's) Fireworks on the Mall gets national coverage. Go »
Christmas Post #8: Political Pun Waiting To Happen
Very obvious Hillary pun that still amused me. Hillary nutcracker in action. Check out this site for a lot of clever gifts although you'll have to wade through a lot of truly idiotic stuff as well. Go »
So You Say You Want A 2007 List
Site that collects all the lists from other sites pertaining to 2007. Very handy. Go »