I just came back from a Daddy/Daughter event at Lauren's school. It was a PTA sponsored Bingo night. Lauren and I spent two hours playing Bingo laughing in frustration about coming so close to winning and just hugging and sharing a good time. We hadn't won anything until the last game, the one in which you must fill the entire card. Damned if the girl didn't win. The grand prize was her choice of a selection of carnival type prizes and she chose a lava lamp (that's my girl!). Along with the lava lamp she and I get to go rock climbing with the principal and his daughter at some facility designed for such things. Have I ever mentioned I'm acrophobic? But I'll go for her on the condition that she break my fall.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

This Was No Boat Accident

Vacation Tip #2: Maybe you're into sharks, pun intended. I, myself, am not. For the longest time this has been my greatest fear; being eaten alive by a wild animal. Go »

Christmas Post #19: More Weird Plushies

First came The Godfather horsehead pillow; next came virus plush toys; now there's road kill. Yes, nothing says warmth and comfort like road pizza cat although I'm a little disappointed that none of them appear to be the scratch-and-sniff variety. Go »

Halloween Post #1: Too Early For Halloween?

Yes, it's too early for Halloween. However, if you plan to order or make a Go »

Rock Block Parallel #1: Animal Farm

Starting a theme parallel. Best new Barbie since "I'm Breaking Our Date" Ken - Hitchcock Barbie. Happy moments captured. Go »

Christmas Post #3: Syphilis For Christmas

Lyme disease, E. Coli, and even Mad Cow are all available to gift your loved one with as a plush toy. Be sure to check the venereal section! Go »

If I Were To Make A Children's Show...

...it would be similar to this promo for The Crime Channel featuring Gali the Alligator. The lyrics are a little hard to understand so I've attempted to transcribe them here. Go »