This guy puts all kinds of different crap in the microwave and films the results. My favorite is the eggs.

Two Replies to Burning Microwave Popcorn

Anna Gregoline | August 16, 2007
Possibly the best website ever. Thank you!

Steve West | August 16, 2007
You're welcome and welcome to Steve's world, hah!

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Where's Joe The Plumber When I Need Him?

Screw plumbing! This is friggin' ridiculous. When the toilet in my bedroom bath developed a leak, I assured my wife it was a simple repair to replace the fill valve. Go »

This Year Goes to 11 contd.

What do the following people have in common? Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Wayne Gretzky, Melissa Etheridge, Eddie Murphy, George Lopez, Marilyn Milian, George Clooney, Michael J. Fox, Kim Deal, Boy George, Forest Whitaker, Barack Obama, Susan Olsen, Wynton Marsalis, Heather Locklear, Meg Ryan, Ann Coulter, and Steve West. Go »

Darth Vader Is Alive And Well And Living In My Toaster

So we got this gift from a mother-in law who shall remain nameless; a "super-mega-nuclear look at me long enough and your face will melt like that guy in Raiders toaster. There was nothing wrong with our existing toaster but when she saw it on QVC, my nameless mother-in-law had one of those have to have it moments. I've nicknamed the toaster Darth Vader because regardless of the setting, it turns the bread to the dark side every time. Go »

So, I Got My Concealed Gun Permit, Yesterday...

...and went over to my local Bass Pro Shop to get a small 9mm pistol for home protection. When I was ready to pay for the gun and bullets, the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me." Go »

Rock Block Parallel #2: Food Fight

To satisfy your gustatory desires, please review the following board of fare. Everything tastes better with chocolate...well almost everything. Go »

Best Of Photojournalism

Perspective is everything. I look at some photographs that have been awarded a Pulitzer and understand immediately why. Others I look at and mentally shrug my shoulders. Go »