Flashlights. Useful when the power goes out to help me find where I put the friggin' candles after the last time I lost friggin' power. They won't save the contents of my refrigerator but I can watch as the milk slowly curdles because I don't have TV or a computer. Other than that, I personally don't use 'em which makes this über flashlight so hilarious to me. 15 million candlewatts! Provides hundreds (plural) of yards of visibility! It must come with a local electric company substation for recharging this monstrosity, this monument to testosterone. Hollywood floodlights have less power, Jaysus!

I suppose it would come in handy as a search beacon if you ever get lost hiking in Yellowstone. So if there's a camper on your Christmas list, this may be attractive. Just be careful not to burn a hole through the search helicopter.

One Reply to Christmas Post #2: I Can See Clearly Now

Amy Austin | November 5, 2007
Ooh ooh ooh...

I confess -- I find Tim Allen's primal reverence for power so endearing... because I can so relate.

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