Life without a Cell Phone
by Tony Peters on October 10, 2006

OK now I have never thought I was overly attached to my Cell Phone but since I left mine in the middle of the Indian Ocean I've had to live without it for the last week. I am definatly in withdrawals...everyone in my family is on my cell, hell I don't even know most of the numbers that are progamed/saved on my cell. I'm sure there are people who think I've dropped off the earth since I've been out of touch for now 3 weeks with another week before I get it back I'm scared of the number of messages I'm gonna have. Of couse the advantage is I'm not reachable by work at really annoying times which I must say is very nice
The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

I got a phone call this morning from work (I'm on vacation) wondering if I know that I'm transferring in 2 weeks???? SAY WHAT???? yet again (this is the 3rd time) the Navy is transferring me to another job in the same area. Go »
books and rolling
It always seems that 2-3 books that I have been patiently are all released by the publishers at the same time...such was the case for me with Wrath of a Mad God and the latest Dresden files book Small Favor...unsure which one I wanted to read more I switched from day to day reading one and then the other. Go »
I am not your baby sitter
Rant....I'm still pissed about this because my hip is some of you know I still skateboard at the age of 41. Go »
starwars up close
OK I have what is called closed angles in my eye's which although I have no symptoms is considered a precursor to glaucoma...I've known this for a couple of years and since my maternal grandfather had glaucoma and my father has the same problem with his eyes I've really just been putting off having corrective surgery since I returned from Japan 2 years ago. What this means is that the eye's drains which are behind the iris are not as open as they should be which can lead to increased fluid pressure in the eye and posible damage to the optic nerve, or so they tell me. Go »
Oh what a day
After spending the morning cleaning and setting up for a visit from my inlaws (looking forward to that being over) I spent the afternoon Downhill skateboarding with a bunch of is so simple with a bit of speed. I'm the 4th guy to enter the screen, Black shirt, Blue helmet, Pink wheels trying to stay in the draft of the two kids in a tight draft train. Go »