Christmas Post #12: Sorry About That Chief
by Steve West on November 24, 2007

I've always been a fan of Get Smart! and the funniest running gag for me was the use of the "cone of silence". This thing called a "pentaphone isolation space" brought that immediately to mind. If you can't track one down perhaps the Nicosphere 3000 will serve.
One Reply to Christmas Post #12: Sorry About That Chief
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Aaron Shurtleff | November 24, 2007
Wow! I wish I could have seen that when I was in Copenhagen! Golly.
And was it really important to tell us that the building it's in used to be a slaughterhouse? Is anyone seriously thinking to themselves, "You know, I didn't want to go, but if the building used to be a slaughterhouse, then I have to be there!"?