I Am A Marketing Genius
by Steve West on March 4, 2012

Recent conversation with Brenda:
me: I'm thinking of buying that 5-hour energy stuff.
Brenda: Think it'll be worth it?
me: Depends on what it costs – that whole dollars to extra push-ups ratio.
Brenda: Well, considering you do no push-ups now it sounds like a sure winner even if it only gets you to try one.
me: I'd like to try and create my own formula. It's like legal cocaine. I'd probably pour it on the kitchen table and snort it.
Brenda: I am not cleaning that up.
me: I'll have enough energy to clean it up, mop the floor, install a new garbage disposal and I'd still have 4:45 left,
Brenda: Seems like there's a lot of competition for sales.
me: They won't stand a chance if I sell mine and call it boob flavored.
Brenda: Boob flavored. As in boobs.
me: It'll fly off the shelves
One Reply to I Am A Marketing Genius
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Aaron Shurtleff | March 4, 2012
Put me down for 2 cases, please!